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Føroyingar skikkað sær best
News by Jogvanth

Hetta er yvurskrift á í dag.
Helt hettar verða forvitnisligt, at í øllum heiminum, so sita minst fólk í fongsli pr. íbugva í Føroyum. Ikki tí, hettar er naka sum flestu føroyingar hava havt varhugan av leingi, men nú hava vit so fingi vísindalig prógv fyri hesum.

Føroyingar skikka sær best

Onga aðrastaðni í heiminum sita so fá fólk í fongsli sum í Føroyum. Fyri hvørji 100.000 fólk sita 15 føroyingar inni dagliga, og hetta er nógv minni enn nakra aðrastaðni

Hesi tøl framganga í eini kanning, International Centre for Prison Studies í King's College í London hevur gjørt. Í kanningini luttóku 214 sjálvstøðug lond og ósjálvstøðug øki, har í millum Føroyar.

Sambært World Prison Population List sita dagliga í miðal 15 føroyingar inni fyri hvørji 100.000 fólk.

Hesi tøl gera, at Føroyar liggja langt aftast á hesum lista, og fyri einaferð skyld er tað flott at liggja aftast.

Ikki óvæntað liggur USA fremst á listanum. Langt fremst. Har sita dagliga 737 fangar fyri hvørji 100.000 fólk. Næst fremst er Russland, har í miða 615 fólk sita inni um dagin fyri hvørji 100.000.

© Rólant Waag Dam - Sosialurin

Roffen on February 23 2007 17:39:39
hehe... maybe the reason could be that the faroese prisoners are moved to Denmark to sit out the sentence.

All sentences over a couple of months will result in exportation to Denmark. A nice commodity to export! Like old days, when slaves were popular smiley
Vuzman on February 23 2007 19:13:32
"Antallet af anmeldelser pr. 10.000 indbyggere for overtrædelse af straffeloven eller kriminalloven var i 2005 for Danmark og Færøernes vedkommende henholdsvis 801 og 211."

"Antallet af anmeldelser pr. 10.000 indbyggere for overtrædelse af straffelovens eller kriminallovens bestemmelser vedrørende sædelighedsforbrydelser var i 2005 for Danmark og Færøernes vedkommende henholdsvis 5 og 6."

Tvs. at sjálvt um har er næstan fýra ferðir so nógvur kriminalitetur í­ Danmark, so eru meira siðamisbrot í­ Føroyum enn í­ Danmark.

Og hetta sjálvt um teir flestu føroysku gjeikararnir flyta til Danmarkar... og sjálvt um Føroyar eru nógv meiri kristnar enn Danmark...

Hmm... tað sær út um man ikki blí­vur eitt betri menniskja av at vera religiøsur. Og tá man hugsar um hvussu kristið USA er... og hugsar um hvussu nógvur kriminalitetur har er, so byrja vit at sí­ggja eitt mynstur. 80% av USA eru kristin, 10% ateistar. í prisons eru tølini 80% og 0,2% (!) (Tølini fyri muslimar eru 1% og 8%).

Well, draw your own conclusions smiley
Norlander on February 23 2007 19:46:12
Veit ikki heilt hví­ tú dregur ein causalitet millum religion og siðdamisbrot. Tú kundi eisini sagt Føroyingar drekka meira "binge drinking" --> meira harðskapur i heiminum --> fleiri siðdamisbrot.

USA hevur eitt extremt kriminalitetproblem sum er tengt at fátakkadømi og rúsevnum (serliga pot og meth). Tað er ein breið semja innanfyri social science academia at hesir eru faktorarnir, og at har er eingin positiv correlation millum religion og kriminalitet i USA (les freakonomics fyri eina nærri gongumgongd).
Vuzman on February 23 2007 20:47:37
Eg dróg ikki ein kausalitet millum religión og siðamisbrot, eg segði at tann kausaliteturin sum religiøs fólk draga (religión -> betri menniskja) ikki eksisterar. Stórur munur.

í døminum um USA nevndi eg at kristni parturin er 80% bæði í­ population og í­ prisons, sum man hevði forvæntað hvis tað ikki er ein serlig korrelatión millum religión og kriminalitet, so heldur ikki har dróg eg ein kausalitet. Harafturí­móti segði eg at sjálvt um 10% av population var ateistar, vóru teir næstan ikki-eksisterandi í­ prisons. Har er ein discrepancy sum vil nakað, og sjálvt um man roynir at forklára tað við at ateistar hava hægri IQ enn religiøs fólk (boy is that remark gonna piss people off smiley ) so veit eg ikki um tað kann forklára tað stóra lopið.

(Eg havi lisið Freakonomics, og korrelatión millum religión og kriminalitet var ikki eitt av evnunum. Eg minnist ikki at teir nevndu tað yvirhøvur meðan teir behandlaðu krminalitet, men kanska tú kanst enlightena okkum?)
Vuzman on February 23 2007 20:48:45
Annars merkir © Rólant Waag Dam - Sosialurin at man ikki hevur loyvi til at kopiera...
Vuzman on February 23 2007 21:24:41
Fátækradømi og drugs fáa illa forklárað kriminalitetin í­ USA. Ið hvussu er einsamalt.

India: GDP - per capita: $3,700, 25% population below poverty line, 30/100.000 in prison.
USA: GDP - per capita: $43,500, 12% population below poverty line, 737/100.000 in prison.

Granted, India er ein discrepancy á listanum (Eg tori ikki at siga nakað um at tað kanska hevur nakað at gera við at 80% eru hinduistar, og nokk tað landið í­ heiminum har flest vegetarar eru smiley )
Roffen on February 24 2007 00:31:38
hmm... maybe all countries should have the death sentence... that way, we get rid of criminals much faster and keep the prisons empty.

Anyway, statistics also show that many of inmates are repeating offenders anyway.
Boddin on February 24 2007 03:29:17
"Strammari revsiðlóg loysur ikki trupuleikan (in other words it has no effect)" hattar hevur rikið mær fyri oyra mangan. Ná um tað ikki loysur kriminalitet trupuleikan ja so loysur tað greenhouse effect ... altso um vit ikki nýta stólin.
Grizlas on February 24 2007 04:10:08
As has become apparent, we cannot have a discussion on gongumenn anymore without some sort of religious debate. I'm just assuming that vuzman considers jogvanths' news item to be a veiled attempt at promoting christianity since he feels the need to respond with religious counter arguments. Then again, he might just have decided to do that regardless of what the thread is about.
Jogvanth on February 24 2007 08:27:45
But, since he's already turned it into a religious debate. The main reason that there are no atheists in US prisons, is mainly because, most of them (won't say all) find "God" or "Muhammed" while serving their prison term. You have more religious people coming OUT of prison in the US, than you have going IN.
Norlander on February 24 2007 11:53:26
The link between poverty and crime is one of relative poverty in a society (feeling poor and downtrodden) and not absolute poverty.

Every 4th prisoner in the US is behind bars because of a drug-related crime.

Might be that since you feel so shitty and unforfilled you turn to, among other things, either religion or drugs (both being opium for the masses). India is a very religious country and the US has a huge drug problem.
Vuzman on February 24 2007 14:14:54
I was just thinking that people are so quick to pat themselves on the back when some new statistic shows something good. When it's the other way round, no one listens, or people try to come up with reasons the stats are wrong (PISA comes to mind).

The main reason the prison stats for the Faroes are so good is that we're a very small and isolated population. That's it!

Harder punishments actually do work, just not in the case of the death sentence, since most offenders eligible for this punishment either committed the crime out of passion or insanity.

There are less than 50,000 conversions in US prisons annually, 80% of those are to Islam. This is 2,3% of the entire prison population and even if we assume this is 100% atheists (which I think is a leap of faith), we would still be missing 7,5%.

@griz: WhyTF should it be illegal to mention religion? It is a big part of human life, and life in FO, and considering the impact it should have on society, I think it is more than fair to point out that it doesn't (or not in the desired way). I actually started the comment with pointing out that crime in certain areas is abnormally high in FO, then I thought that that was pretty ironic considering the religiosity in FO. I could have mentioned Catholic priests as well, since they seem to have an affinity with this particular set of crimes. Digging a bit deeper I found that in the case of India it seems that one particular religion might actually work (I am drawing conclusions there, though).

I really don't see why this should be illegal to mention and why I should draw flak for this reason. I'll admit I may be a bit quick to jump on the religion-railroad-tracks, but nonetheless I fail to see how it is not relevant, considering the religiosity of the country.

@norlander: yeah, the problems in the US are pretty unique. Every 4th prison sentence is drug-related? That seems pretty wild, especially considering that just smoking pot will land you in jail, not prison. Do you have some more stats on this?
Jogvanth on February 25 2007 08:01:43
I don't think you can simply explain our low crime-rate with the fact that we're a very small and isolated population.
It has some effect on it, yes. But not total. And the religious part vs. incest. Have you ever considered, that our "normal crime"rate might be low partly because of our religion?
Look at Islamic countries. Mostly all of their "criminals" are political or anti-religious in nature. (Don't have stats, freebie to Vuz). Granted, our small population (everybody knows about everybody) and the isolation (how can you sell your "loot" without getting caught) has dampening effects on our "normal crime"rate.
But we don't go around killing each other either. (Think we should examine our murder rate pr 100.000 people vs. other countries.) We don't have muggings/burglaries on the same scale. Assaults are currently rising (especially amongst the younger population), which is something sociologists should try to examine and explain the reasons to.
The more "hidden" crimes e.g. incest, are unacceptably high by any standard in FO. But rapes are few and far between. This is strange, and I think another issue for the sociologists.
But, in the later years, many sexual crimes have been un-earthed in FO, many of whom date several years back.
These crimes are hardly punished here, or in DK in my view. Look at the Tønder case. Years of systematic abuse, and the offenders hardly unpack in jail, before they can go home again.
Only one who got a sentence worth mentioning was the father, and he got of lightly in my book.
Perhaps a way to minimize such crimes is to seriously harden the penalties. I'm talking 15-20 years in jail (no, you don't get to go home after 4. Now sit down for another 11 years minimum), and 500.000-1 mill. DKR in fines to the offended party.
Spice this up with higher necessity for technical evidence, and you might have a cocktail that works.
Vuzman on February 25 2007 20:35:32
I don't think you can simply explain our low crime-rate with the fact that we're a very small and isolated population.

No, but I think that's the main reason. If we look at somewhat comparable countries like Liechtenstein, San Marino, and Monaco we see that these also have a small percentages of people in prison. San Marino has 1 person, Liechtenstein a bit more than FO, and Monaco quite a bit more (as you would expect). Other small countries around the world also have small figures.

Regarding homicide, the same rules apply. In the US the homicide rates are biggest in California, New York, and the southern states (white people especially Texas, black people especially Louisiana/Mississippi and Florida). One anomaly is Nevada which has high rates for both races, but again, that is somewhat to be expected. I would think that there are very few places with small, isolated populations and high homicide rates. Greenland is one such place, and is a place that has been raped in the ass culturally.

Incidentally in Greenland they are quite religious, and Christian, of course. Didn't help them much. The US is very religious as well, doesn't seem to help them either. Sweden, despite being one of the most atheistic countries in the world, has pretty high rates of crime, at least compared to their comparable neighbors, but evil tongues would say that that is the (religious) newcomers fault (I didn't say it smiley ). I just can't see any proof that religion plays a particularly big part in people being moral.

I got to religion from sexual offences (which actually includes rape, I'm not so sure how few and far between they are in FO, but if you have stats...?) because they are particularly frowned upon within religion. A truly religious people should thus have a very low incident rate of sexual offences, but since the opposite is happening it really sticks out of the crowd, doesn't it?

I think most people agree that the punishments for crimes against other people are too light. They should be more severe, maybe a three strike system would be appropriate. Then again, that would mean that one of our friends would be locked up right now. Ahem. smiley
Jogvanth on February 26 2007 10:44:30
Or could it just be, that the "religious" criminals get more publicity?
Vuzman on February 26 2007 12:03:36
Considering what they preach, isn't that just fair?
Jogvanth on February 26 2007 16:32:54
Of course it is.
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