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The RoboCup Initiative has stated their ultimate goal as: "By the middle of the 21st century, a team of fully autonomous humanoid robot soccer players shall win a soccer game, complying with the official rules of FIFA, against the winner of the most recent World Cup." Will this goal be achieved?


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The donation bet
News by YutaniSometimes when you make a bet it’ll make all worse hands fold while all better hands call or raise. These bets have their place, for example if you call in late position after an early player limps with pocket 7’s. The Small Blind completes and everyone checks to you on a flop of 5c Qd 5s. It is obviously incorrect to check behind here, where any card higher than a 7 can make someone a better pair. But at the same time, if your bet is called the caller probably has a Queen or a 5.
Likewise if you miss the flop completely when raising preflop, but feel there is a fair chance whoever called might fold to a continuation bet. You are basically betting with the intention of letting that money go if you are called, while realizing that if your opponent folds, you probably had the best high hand anyways.
I am however not a strong believer of making the “finding out where I am at” bet. On discussion forums and weblogs I often read that people made a bet, because they knew that only a stronger hand would raise. Or perhaps they fear that their opponent is likely to bluff if they check, so they think it better to bet.
I don’t know if my betting pattern is much diffrent than that of other players, but it is seldom that I don’t have an oppinion about if my hand is infront or behind. Perhaps I am wrong and I’ll loose some money because of it, but I am rarely so perplexed as to where I stand, that I feel a need to invest a bet purely to gauge my opponents reaction.
Perhaps it is a bi-product of playing trash hands and flopping bottom pair, that urges players to make these donation bets or because of too much multi-tabling hampering their hand reading ability. It just seems logical to me that if you don’t know what to do with a holding, then check your hand and figure out how to avoid ending in this spot again.
Jogvanth on June 14 2006 13:20:17
I'm one of those who sometimes makes a “finding out where I am at” bet. I find it more effective, and cheaper in the long run, to make a bet, and see the reactions, rather than giving people a free card. This is, however, contingent on the fact, that I actually hold a hand, that is a possible winner. I also take into account the possibility of people folding to my bet. I am usually a very thight player (at least online), and the added aggression that I show in these bets, combined with my thight image, makes this move worthwhile to me, as the majority of my opponents fold to my bets. If someone calls or raises, I can use time, and then fold. As this works more often than not, I profit from this play. If the pot has not been raised preflop, I have difficult to do this, as I can't be sure of my opponents not having hit a pair or two.
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26/08/2024 07:45
Try the google search box

24/08/2024 23:30

24/08/2024 22:08
does the search function even work?

24/12/2023 15:06
Gleðilig jól

24/12/2023 10:09
Gleðilig jól!

29/10/2023 19:16

29/10/2023 11:35
RIP Matthew Perry.

25/08/2023 19:22
That's not from the chess scene, it's Omar to Wee Bay, 2 mins into this clip:

25/08/2023 18:11
That chess scene is forever seared into my memory...

24/08/2023 20:03
You quoting the Wire, wow smiley