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Stateside05 by Norlander

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Ted Haggard: Evangelicals Have the 'Best Sex Life'
News by Norlander

Jan. 22, 2007 — Much has been made of America's so-called religious divide, but few of the discussions and debates resemble Alexandra Pelosi's new film, "Friends of God."

The HBO documentary shows the Rev. Ted Haggard, the former president of the National Association of Evangelicals, talking frankly about how evangelical Christians have sex more than any other religious group.

Haggard resigned from the church in 2006, after a scandal linked him to drugs and a male prostitute.

Haggard served as Pelosi's tour guide through the evangelical community. In the film, he proclaims that evangelicals have the best sex lives in the world.

"You know all the surveys say that evangelicals have the best sex life of any other group," he says.

In the documentary, Haggard asks an evangelical next to him how often he has sex with his wife. The man replies, "Every day." Haggard then explains that evangelicals have a lot of love and says to Pelosi, "You don't think these babies come out of nowhere?"

For Pelosi, the scandal surrounding Haggard is hard to comprehend.

"Because Pastor Ted was my tour guide, he was so good to me. He took me under his wing," she said.

"Most people think of evangelicals as being these holy roller, Jesus freaks, and Ted wasn't like that," she said. "It was interesting for me to say, these are good people. He was a reasonable, normal everyday man. So, it was hard to stomach what had happened."

'I Felt Like I Was on a Field Trip'

Born and bred in a blue state as the daughter of the new speaker of the House, Pelosi surrounded herself with reds to find out how the "other side" lived. When she started making "Friends of God," Pelosi wasn't used to speaking so frankly about religion.

"I had made two political documentaries, and I was trying to get away from politics. And growing up, they always said two things you're not supposed to talk about in polite conversation is politics and religion," she said.

Although she only ventured a couple hundred miles away from her New York home, for Pelosi, profiling the Midwest felt somewhat like exploring a foreign land.

"When you're in the Bible Belt, it's hard to walk into the front door and say, 'Hi, I'm from New York, from HBO, and I'm here to talk to you,'" she said. "I felt I was on a field trip because they were studying me, and I was studying them."

Pelosi came away from the experience with an understanding of how evangelicals affect the political sphere, particularly the presidential race.

"Evangelicals are the largest majority bloc in America. … I don't think you can win without them," she said. "I think if you unified, you'll lose if they go against you. John Kerry learned that. Al Gore learned that, and Hillary Clinton will learn it."

Learning From Evangelicals

Pelosi also realized that it was important to expose children to religion at a young age. She wants to make sure her 2-month-old son gets in the habit of going to church.

"There's a lot of secular television that provides bad role models. It is important to expose your kid to religion, any religion, otherwise they'll become uncharged, and those are the ones who may later in life fall into more extreme religions," she said.

She believes everyone can learn something from evangelicals, even if the lesson is not religious. The group's dedication to church and its cause impressed Pelosi.

"They were so organized, and that is something everybody can learn something from," she said.


I say its the Crystal Meth that boosts the libido :-P
Honestly though, is Haggard trying to win a "Poster boy for all that is wrong with Evangelicals" competition? And whats more scary IMO is that in spite of the scandals with her "guide" it sounds as Miss Pelosi nearly got converted.

Vuzman on February 04 2007 20:03:26
Here's the clip:

Windows Media:

Towards the end of the documentary, this informational still is included:

Jogvanth on February 08 2007 12:25:57
Hvussu so við hesum? They never cease to amaze me!

Jesus er begyndt at sætte mig sammen igen«, skriver Ted Haggard i en e-mail til medlemmer af sin tidligere menighed på 14.000 evangelisk kristne i Colorado.

Men nu, da den tidligere præsidentrådgiver og ledestjerne på USA’s kristne højrefløj har afsluttet tre ugers terapi efter halvvejs at have indrømmet et homoseksuelt forhold, står det klart, at han ikke længere er velkommen i sin gamle kirke.

Tim Ralph, en af de fire præster i den kommission, som i november traf beslutningen om at fyre Ted Haggard, siger, at Haggard i terapien er blevet overbevist om, at han er »fuldstændig heteroseksuel«.

Haggard er flyttet fra byen
En anden af præsterne siger, at den faldne Haggard har valgt at følge kommissionens anbefaling om at flytte ud af byen Colorado Springs, som han gennem 1980’erne og 1990’erne var med til at omdanne til, hvad mange har kaldt ’det religiøse højres Vatikanstat’.

Menigheden ved stadig ikke i detaljer, hvad det er, Haggard har gjort.

Sidste efterår begyndte en mandlig prostitueret at optræde på tv med påstande om, at han i tre år havde solgt sex til Haggard en gang om måneden, og at han også havde hjulpet med at skaffe ham metamfetamin, som præsten mente forbedrede hans seksuelle oplevelse.

Sur over hykleri
Den prostituerede forklarede, at han stod frem i vrede over Haggards hykleri, når han i sin kirke tordnede mod homoseksualitet og fordømte homoseksuelle ægteskaber.

Først benægtede den altid storsmilende præst pure. Senere medgav han, at han en enkelt gang havde fået massage af Jones.

Haggard opsummerede selv, at han havde gjort sig skyldig i »seksuel amoral«. Så blev han fyret og sendt på afvænning.

Der er blandt amerikanske evangelister en udbredt opfattelse af, at homoseksualitet er en form for psykisk lidelse, der bunder i problemer i barndommen.

Tilhængerne af den teori mener, at man kan ’kureres’ med en form for psykologbehandling, der er kendt som ’reparationsterapi’.

Ifølge CNN er der omkring 100 kristne klinikker i USA, der har specialiseret sig i den form for behandling. Kritikerne efterlyser overbevisende kliniske beviser for, at terapien virker.

'Lammet af skam'
I sin mail til menigheden skriver Haggard, at han har været »lammet af skam«, og at han og hans kone i løbet af tre ugers intensiv psykologbehandling har prøvet at finde ud af, hvorfor han »udviklede sådan en uoverensstemmelse« i sit liv.

Han skriver ikke, om han har fundet et præcist svar, men ifølge præsten Tim Ralph har Haggard fundet ud af, at hans homoseksualitet »ikke var noget konstant. Det skete kun i de situationer, hvor det blev levet ud«.

Præstekommissionen, der fyrede Haggard, har anbefalet, at han forfølger en karriere uden for kirken.
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26/08/2024 07:45
Try the google search box

24/08/2024 23:30

24/08/2024 22:08
does the search function even work?

24/12/2023 15:06
Gleðilig jól

24/12/2023 10:09
Gleðilig jól!

29/10/2023 19:16

29/10/2023 11:35
RIP Matthew Perry.

25/08/2023 19:22
That's not from the chess scene, it's Omar to Wee Bay, 2 mins into this clip:

25/08/2023 18:11
That chess scene is forever seared into my memory...

24/08/2023 20:03
You quoting the Wire, wow smiley