on January 03 2007 18:23:01
I'll be there. |
on January 03 2007 19:28:27
Me too. Wow, this sounds really cool |
on January 04 2007 13:17:32
I can´t make it...Damn eksams. |
on January 04 2007 14:20:28
eg og boddin koma
Skulu tit hava føðingardagsgávu |
on January 04 2007 14:34:06
I can't make it either..... Stupid gravity |
on January 04 2007 17:12:08
Skulu vit hava..... phft sjálvandi SKULU vit hava gávu...
hvar kemur tú frá?
on January 05 2007 09:51:42
Can't make it. Unless of course somebody offers me airline-tickets. |
on January 06 2007 14:28:52
I'll be there. |
on January 08 2007 16:38:28
13th jan. isn't that sunday.... |
on January 08 2007 18:55:09
yes, in 2008.... |
on January 09 2007 22:42:19
Guess me and my pc have gone bonkers... |
on January 10 2007 11:09:24
We were thinking (stfu TJ) people arrive at Vuzmans when they feel like it but we are going to the chinese resturant that is in the same building at 20:00 GMT +1 so if you feel like chinese be there before 20:00 |
on January 10 2007 15:22:23
Ok tað er neyðugt at hava ekstra stóra gávu við til Heina |
on January 10 2007 16:39:38
Editing comments, eh? |
on January 10 2007 16:45:40
That's cheating! |
on January 11 2007 00:42:15
Wtf editing my comments.......
Now thats cheating |
on January 11 2007 16:44:17
If you need to call one of us (and you do), our phone numbers are as follows:
Heini: 6177 6060
Jan: 3172 2779
You need a code to get into my house, and I'd rather not post it on the internets, so call me. And if your phone doesn't work in Sweden it's a good idea to call me before you arrive |
on January 12 2007 18:29:19
Who edited what comment? |
on January 12 2007 23:27:35
Everyone coming to Sweden might want to bring some photo ID... just in case. |
on January 16 2007 12:31:52
Hehe... tað var skeivur dagur at vit vóru í Slagthuset
FHM Snow Show den 19:e januari med Elita Lí¶fblad som konferencier.
FHM í¤r ví¤rldens stí¶rsta livsstilsmagasin fí¶r mí¤n.
Denna kví¤llen bjuds det på:
Heta modeller
Det kommer att bli en spektakulí¤r kví¤ll utí¶ver det vanliga.
Redbet bjuder in till en pokerturnering som startar kl 23:30. Du har mí¶jlighet att vinna en helårsprenumeration av FHM, underklí¤der och andra fina priser. Det kostar sjí¤lvklart ingenting att delta i turneringen. Antalet platser í¤r begrí¤nsade. Fí¶ranmí¤l dig genom att skicka ett mail till bill@slagthuset.se
Under kví¤llen blir det en modeshow med bikinis från Oneill, Frank Dandy och FHM. Showen presenteras på Slagthusets runway av FHMs modeller. |
on January 16 2007 17:02:19
Pokerturnering! |
on January 17 2007 20:49:05
Yeah right Norlander , HAHAHA Good one |
on January 20 2007 22:07:59
So! No slippery details (and blindness) to relay to us? |
on January 21 2007 19:30:23
Well, I've uploaded some photos to start with. I think Høgni has some better pictures... |