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The RoboCup Initiative has stated their ultimate goal as: "By the middle of the 21st century, a team of fully autonomous humanoid robot soccer players shall win a soccer game, complying with the official rules of FIFA, against the winner of the most recent World Cup." Will this goal be achieved?


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Whale killing cartoon
News by GrizlasApparently, the whale and dolphin conservation society made an educational cartoon about whale killing in the Faroe Islands back in 1989. Anthony Hopkins narrates how the islanders gleefully torture these poor, screaming mammals to death, after which they are left to rot.

Seeing this made me think how easy it is to be taken in by propaganda. Had I not been native to the Faroe Islands I doubt I would ever question the validity of such a movie.

have a
look for yourself.
Norlander on November 19 2006 16:55:13
Jogvanth on November 19 2006 17:19:23
You have got to be kidding!

I seriously tought Anthony Hopkins had more brains than this. My respect for the man just vanished completely.

Check facts, before going head first into the crapper, please.
Lazarus on November 20 2006 11:32:22
OMFG smiley WTF FFS smiley
Torellion on November 20 2006 11:54:43
Eg sá hendan filmin í­ Kommunuskúlanum í­ byrjanini av 90'unum. Tá helt eg at hann fór at blí­va gloymdur beinan vegin tí­ at hann er so misví­sandi. Guess I was wrong.
Vuzman on November 20 2006 12:12:11
Hann ER gloymdur... Bara tí­ onkur hevur postað hann á YouTube merkir ikki at øll verðin er á gosi. Ongin sum hevur nakað at siga her í­ verðini hyggur eftir YouTube (except for you guys, of course).

Which makes this news irrelevant, and OLD! 17 yrs FFS!
Torellion on November 20 2006 12:25:27
Til Vuz
1: Hann ER IKKI gloymdur. Um hann var so var hann ikki postaður á YouTube.
2: Eingin hevur sagt at øll verðin er á gosi.
3: Milliónir av fólki hyggur at YouTube hvønn dag. Onkur av teimum mann hava okkurt at siga.
4: If you want to talk about what is news and what isn't then please post in the thread "What is newsworthy?" which you have started yourself. Besides, this was on so it is news to some.
5: Please stop trolling posts like you are doing here, it is getting annoying.
Vuzman on November 20 2006 13:23:55
Hann var postaður á YouTube fyri 18 døgum sí­ðani av einum fýri sum er interessaður í­ animatión, pga. animatiónsstí­linum í­ filminum. Hann hevur onki við the society at gera og letst at vera lí­kaglaður við innihaldinum í­ filminum. 9(!) fólk hava skrivað kommentar til filmin, alt føroyingar, og flestu aftaná at portalurin bar "tí­ðindini". Ein leiting á avdúkar at altjóða fjølmiðlar ikki hyggja eftir YouTube, ella eisini eru lí­kaglaðir.

Annars startaði eg ikki tráðin "What is newsworthy?", og seriøst, tað er also ikki trolling at eg eina einastu ferð kommenteri til eitt news item at eg ikki haldi tað er news. Tað er ikki sum um at eg klagi yvir hvørt tað einasta innslagið sum ikki fellir í­ mí­n smakk. Faktisk havi eg sagt at mær dámar væl tey tí­ðindini sum longu hava verið.
Torellion on November 20 2006 13:48:13
Hattar seinna innleggið var fí­nt, Vuz. Legg merki til munin á teimum báðum innleggunum og royn at skriva soleiðis í­ framtí­ðini.

Og tú hevur rætt, tú byrjaði ikki handan tráðin. Tað sær eyguni hjá mær eru blivin verri á gamalsaldrinum.
Grizlas on November 20 2006 15:27:36
Didn't know it was on when I posted it.

Just because something is 17 years old it can still be news. As I mentioned above, I think it is interesting because of how effectively it distorts the reality of whale killing.

I don't mind at all that vuz is critical of what's posted, in fact I encourage it. That's the reason for newsitems anyways; to get a debate going, and not become the next reuters.
Vuzman on November 21 2006 08:02:56
Debate inducing non-news news items actually fall within my own criteria of what (I think) is newsworthy, as stated under the aforementioned thread...

My first comment was actually my input to the debate; I think this is a closed and forgotten issue (sadly (not that the film has been forgotten, obviously, but the issue itself)). I guess T is right that I should have framed my critique as in my second comment. It was probably the latter half of my first comment to which offense was taken, and rightly so. I shall try to refrain from trolling, even on purpose smiley
Grizlas on November 22 2006 20:51:58

Norlander on November 22 2006 22:07:38
Ach!Hans run! It's the Lhurgoyf!
Lazarus on November 23 2006 15:48:56
Check this out!!!

What he said !!! smiley
Jogvanth on December 15 2006 16:57:54
Then what about this????

I think they got a pretty good one there!
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26/08/2024 07:45
Try the google search box

24/08/2024 23:30

24/08/2024 22:08
does the search function even work?

24/12/2023 15:06
Gleðilig jól

24/12/2023 10:09
Gleðilig jól!

29/10/2023 19:16

29/10/2023 11:35
RIP Matthew Perry.

25/08/2023 19:22
That's not from the chess scene, it's Omar to Wee Bay, 2 mins into this clip:

25/08/2023 18:11
That chess scene is forever seared into my memory...

24/08/2023 20:03
You quoting the Wire, wow smiley