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Søderåsen juni 2011

Member Poll
The RoboCup Initiative has stated their ultimate goal as: "By the middle of the 21st century, a team of fully autonomous humanoid robot soccer players shall win a soccer game, complying with the official rules of FIFA, against the winner of the most recent World Cup." Will this goal be achieved?


No, but maybe next century

No, probably never

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10 years later...
News by vuzman
Norlander on May 02 2011 11:47:06
Bing Bing the wicked witch is dead!
Vuzman on May 02 2011 11:57:35
The Funniest And Most Interesting Tweets About Osama Bin Laden´s Death
Torellion on May 02 2011 14:04:18
A couple of thoughts:

Seems wrong to me to run out into the streets, celebrating that someone is dead, no matter who he is. That is something the other side does. But of course, this could be just an emotional response on my part, an evil bastard is dead and maybe that is a good time to celebrate.

Would have preferred if they captured him and studied the reasons for his behavior, information that might help us avoid creating such people in the future.

This event will probably have no effect on the security theater. smiley
Laluu on May 02 2011 15:22:41
I agree with much of what Torellion says.
It would be nice if people would take some time for quiet contemplation, but I am very sympathetic to the desire to celebrate, and there was a smile on my face when I heard the news. However, there is a difference between celebrating (e.g. having a few drinks with friends) and going out into the streets with banners, chanting "USA, USA!"

I can only agree in part to Torellion's final statement. I agree that the immediate effect may be negligible (and I question how involved BinLaden has been in recent decisions). However, there is a very important message in all this - that you cannot expect to evade justice forever. We all know that it is a truth with limitations and exceptions, but I think BinLaden being alive had great symbolic value to people who oppose "the civilised, secularised or Christian West" - a bit of a two-finger salute, if you will, that is now gone.

EDIT: Norlander - Isn't it supposed to be "Ding Dong" ???
Norlander on May 02 2011 18:32:56
Bing bing, ding dong, whatever sound a bell makes in your headsmiley
Vuzman on May 02 2011 20:25:40
Hitchens'%3B view
Norlander on May 03 2011 03:58:48
Best write-up of this story I've seen so far: link
Norlander on May 03 2011 05:07:19
Norlander on May 03 2011 05:09:29
Like it how the Air Force Brigade General sits in the big chair while the op is going on, while Obama and Mullen are sitting and standing by the wall.
Norlander on May 03 2011 05:15:12
Op-ed by the President of Pakistan in the Washington Post (link), trying to do some damage control. Well written and he has some good points.

It's fun to see them all scrambling now it's clear OBL lived less than 1km away from the main military acadamy in Pakistan, in a house 8 times larger than any other nearby, with 3 set of walls and tinted windows. The head of their military was there less than a week ago holding a speech claiming to have broken the back of terrorism in their country, in what must feel like a Team America moment now, "pisst, you haven't done shit, he is hiding right over there in that house"
Vuzman on May 03 2011 08:57:42
Internet memes, including an apropos to Torellion´s comment.
Norlander on May 03 2011 21:17:06
And the story changes a little... (link)
Vuzman on May 04 2011 11:37:31
And here's another view, and a little twist to the story (link)
Norlander on May 04 2011 20:32:31
Another twist, seems the choppers used are of an unknown type. Read this thread on (filled with navy and army mechanics wondering).
Norlander on May 05 2011 08:12:45
Now and the rest are on the story about the Stealth Helos as wellsmiley
Roffen on May 07 2011 20:26:14
I don't think this deserves a place in the linkbox, but I'll link it here instead:
Captured videos from Osama, practising his speeches
Norlander on May 14 2011 12:49:00
This Real Time clip from 2008 just made me respect Christiana Amanpour moresmiley

She got a source in the intelligence community who told her in 2008 that Bin Laden was hiding in a villa in Pakistan... I mean damn smiley
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26/08/2024 07:45
Try the google search box

24/08/2024 23:30

24/08/2024 22:08
does the search function even work?

24/12/2023 15:06
Gleðilig jól

24/12/2023 10:09
Gleðilig jól!

29/10/2023 19:16

29/10/2023 11:35
RIP Matthew Perry.

25/08/2023 19:22
That's not from the chess scene, it's Omar to Wee Bay, 2 mins into this clip:

25/08/2023 18:11
That chess scene is forever seared into my memory...

24/08/2023 20:03
You quoting the Wire, wow smiley