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The RoboCup Initiative has stated their ultimate goal as: "By the middle of the 21st century, a team of fully autonomous humanoid robot soccer players shall win a soccer game, complying with the official rules of FIFA, against the winner of the most recent World Cup." Will this goal be achieved?


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4G in Denmark
News by RoffenTDC LogoTDC Denmark has announced the supplier of their 4G mobile network. Ericsson won the race in close competition to the chinese Huawei. TDC's 4G network will be running compatibility with the older already existing 2G & 3G networks.
According to a press release from TDC, 1/3 of all of Denmark's population will be covered by the 4G network from day one.

The theoretical speed of the network is 1Gbit/s as compared to 3G's 200kbit/s (with several later improvements with peaking speeds around 14.7Mbit/s) Another advantage with the technology is that the system will use existing devices on the network as 'repeaters' for their antennas so that the signal coverage could theoretically cover the entire country.
Also, the traditional voice calls will be replaced with pure IP-telephony.

TDC will turn on the new network in January 1st, 2011. The initial coverage will include Copenhagen, Aarhus, Odense, Aalborg, Esbjerg og Kolding.
Vuzman on December 13 2010 11:20:07
A followup on this post, now that Telia overtook TDC and are the first to launch "4G" in Denmark. They were also the first in the world to launch "4G", in Sweden.

The reason I put "4G" in quotation marks is because it's not really 4G. It's 3G LTE (Long Term Evolution). Telia in Sweden (which has the best LTE network) say that their max is 80 Mbit/s. TDC say that their 'theoretical' max is 150 Mbit/s. Obviously they are not going to trump Telia SE's speeds, so that theoretical max is just fluff.

Now compare those speeds to real 4G speeds: Minimum max speeds of 1 Gbit/s, or 1000 Mbit/s. Minimum max speed means that in order for a network to be called 4G it has to at least be able to peak at that speed.

3G LTE is thus around 10% of real 4G, and while it can still be improved, it won't come close to real 4G speeds. 4G also includes other provisions such as a fully packet-switched network, but the speeds are what's important.

NetCom in Norway, a subsidiary of Telia SE, has been sued for using the term 4G, and it is possible that similar situations will arise in DK and SE.
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26/08/2024 07:45
Try the google search box

24/08/2024 23:30

24/08/2024 22:08
does the search function even work?

24/12/2023 15:06
Gleðilig jól

24/12/2023 10:09
Gleðilig jól!

29/10/2023 19:16

29/10/2023 11:35
RIP Matthew Perry.

25/08/2023 19:22
That's not from the chess scene, it's Omar to Wee Bay, 2 mins into this clip:

25/08/2023 18:11
That chess scene is forever seared into my memory...

24/08/2023 20:03
You quoting the Wire, wow smiley