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The RoboCup Initiative has stated their ultimate goal as: "By the middle of the 21st century, a team of fully autonomous humanoid robot soccer players shall win a soccer game, complying with the official rules of FIFA, against the winner of the most recent World Cup." Will this goal be achieved?


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Iceland on the brink of a meltdown.
News by NorlanderHaving been on a business trip to Iceland this week, and seeing first hand the state of their economy, I am brought back to our own 6. October, in our case 1992 and not 2008.

Iceland was a surreal place, everything costs half. The ISK króna has lost over half it's value over the last year, and is currently slugging it out with Zimbabwe and Turkmenistan as the worst preforming currency of the past 12 months. Zimbabwe and Turkmenistan FFS! This is further compounded by the fact that many loans in Iceland were obtained in Yen, Euros and Dollars. Hence they have seen their loans basically double in size. The Guardian has a good article out today on this issue. It is well worth a read. For those looking to buy a cheap car it might not be a bad idea to look in Iceland. Plenty of luxury cars that they now cannot afford to have.

Finally the size of the Icelandic banks is a problem, the 3 biggest banks are between 5 and 15 times the size of the public budget (depending upon how it's calculated), which means that the Government cannot afford to bail them all out. I witnessed a bank-run on Landsbankin (which is privatized, go figure, luckily they made a new real Landsbanki)

On the up side I recommend everyone to go Christmas shopping in Reykjavik. Things are half-price, it's like Eastern Europe in the 90's. Even the Hilton Hotel was cheap...

...but tomorrow is the 6. of October...
Norlander on October 06 2008 12:49:15
So yesterday the Icelandic PM said a bailout wasn't necessary and today the response is that the Icelandic banks have been pulled of the stock market, and everything is spiraling further down...
Jogvanth on October 06 2008 13:45:48
And with the bad reputation that Iceland currently has in the economic world, it is going to be tough to recover from this mess that they are in currently. I just hope some of them are smart enough to get euro's or other currency to hang on to.

I would not recommend buying a car in Iceland and moving it to FO. It is still going to cost you a fortune when you get it here, but you might save a few bucks on the retail price. The only good and possibly cheap cars to buy in Iceland are the American ones. And those generally tend to suck.
Jogvanth on October 06 2008 13:46:03
And with the bad reputation that Iceland currently has in the economic world, it is going to be tough to recover from this mess that they are in currently. I just hope some of them are smart enough to get euro's or other currency to hang on to.

I would not recommend buying a car in Iceland and moving it to FO. It is still going to cost you a fortune when you get it here, but you might save a few bucks on the retail price. The only good and possibly cheap cars to buy in Iceland are the American ones. And those generally tend to suck.
Norlander on October 06 2008 15:15:46
Thing is that they're being sold in bankruptcy cases. People have their car loans in euro/yen and cannot afford the car (as the guardian article explains).
Norlander on October 06 2008 18:08:01
And now the Icelandic PM Geir Haarde has said the government will take control of the banks...and Iceland has it's own replay of our 6. of October...on the same date...
Norlander on October 06 2008 18:11:28
And the ISK krona took another 23% loss on fears that the whole nation is going bankrupt.
OKJones on October 07 2008 07:09:24
So laser eye surgery has gone down to 8000,- dkr. or there about.
Jogvanth on October 07 2008 10:55:00
Cool! Now is the time to get rid of the glasses, it seems. smiley
Norlander on October 09 2008 15:27:06
Today Kaupthing went under, and it is therefore of interest to look at this story from the February 20.

In it Saxo bank predicts that Kaupthing will go under this year, partly because of the dreaded Credit Default Swaps, and is met with responses like this:

"Analytikeren må være dum eller helt uvidende om islandske banker. Man kan bare gå til vores hjemmeside, for at se, hvordan nøgletallene er for Kaupthing, " siger han til

Turns out the analyst wasn't an idiot...
Roffen on October 13 2008 00:05:02
I just love this kind of responses smiley 'Now look who's stupid!'
Roffen on October 13 2008 00:10:01
Well done digging such a good article up from the dead smiley Spot on and the response is kicked in the teeth with a good dose of reality!

Now this doesn't mean, I don't feel sorry for the Icelandic people, I do smiley Sad a few people can walk away from this scandal with their pockets full of money and innocent people must pay for their specualtions and manipulations! smileysmiley
Vuzman on October 13 2008 15:01:32
I'm still in shock that the Icelandic economy crashed because of their suspect investments. I did NOT see that coming.

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26/08/2024 07:45
Try the google search box

24/08/2024 23:30

24/08/2024 22:08
does the search function even work?

24/12/2023 15:06
Gleðilig jól

24/12/2023 10:09
Gleðilig jól!

29/10/2023 19:16

29/10/2023 11:35
RIP Matthew Perry.

25/08/2023 19:22
That's not from the chess scene, it's Omar to Wee Bay, 2 mins into this clip:

25/08/2023 18:11
That chess scene is forever seared into my memory...

24/08/2023 20:03
You quoting the Wire, wow smiley