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The RoboCup Initiative has stated their ultimate goal as: "By the middle of the 21st century, a team of fully autonomous humanoid robot soccer players shall win a soccer game, complying with the official rules of FIFA, against the winner of the most recent World Cup." Will this goal be achieved?


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Tangerine peel 'kills cancer'
News by Norlander

A compound extracted from tangerine peel can kill certain human cancer cells, research shows. A team from Leicester School of Pharmacy found Salvestrol Q40 was turned into a toxic compound in cancer cells, destroying them.

Salvestrol 40 is a type of phytoalexin - a chemical produced by plants to repel attackers, such as insects or fungi. It is converted into a toxic compound by the P450 CYP1B1 enzyme, found in much higher levels in cancer cells. As a result, the researchers found, it proved to be 20 times more toxic to cancer cells than their healthy equivalents

Salvestrol Q40 is found at higher concentrations in tangerine peel, than in the flesh of the fruit. The researchers suggest the modern trend to throw away peel may have contributed to a rise in some cancers...

The full story published by the BBC

Norlander on September 12 2007 11:04:50
The full story adds a point which I think validates the "only eat organic" talking points.

However, the compound tends to be produced at higher levels when infection levels among crops are high.

Therefore, the use of modern pesticides and fungicides, which have cut the risk of infections, have also led to a drop in Salvestrol levels in food.

I'm also wondering about the peel as such because of this quote:

The researchers suggest the modern trend to throw away peel may have contributed to a rise in some cancers.

As I understood it peel and skin is the same thing, but this makes it read like the peel is the white thing under the skin, otherwise I don't understand the "modern trend to throw away peel".
Celdar clarify?:-)
Aliennizer on September 14 2007 07:39:24
I think this is an very interesting subject, so i have postet one of the projekt that i wrote in 2004, which touches the subject. I especially like the notion of interspecific and intraspecific competition between plants.

About time we got some geeky science stuff.... smiley
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26/08/2024 07:45
Try the google search box

24/08/2024 23:30

24/08/2024 22:08
does the search function even work?

24/12/2023 15:06
Gleðilig jól

24/12/2023 10:09
Gleðilig jól!

29/10/2023 19:16

29/10/2023 11:35
RIP Matthew Perry.

25/08/2023 19:22
That's not from the chess scene, it's Omar to Wee Bay, 2 mins into this clip:

25/08/2023 18:11
That chess scene is forever seared into my memory...

24/08/2023 20:03
You quoting the Wire, wow smiley