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Interesttop 15 guitar solos of all time review

OKJones on March 04 2021 00:06:36
Is there something missing on this list?
Norlander on March 04 2021 11:38:28
Agree with the reviewer:

#15 Personally I'd pick any of For Whom the Bell Tolls, Fade To Black, Welcome Home Sanitarium or Orion over One, but counting impact, sure.

#14 Picking Judas Priest and not picking Painkiller or Between the Hammer and the Anvil‽ As for it even being included on the list… look I love JP, but there are some glaring omissions later on

#13 agree with what he said, ignore Yngwe.

#12 Wtf with Aces High for the Iron Maiden pick? Yes The Trooper for its bass solo, but generally Iron Maiden isn't known for their guitar solos. There are many better options here.

#11 For impact wouldn't pick that song by Deep Purple, why not Back in Black by AC/DC?

#10 yeah, Cream blazed a path

#9 lol, not even the best solos from Megadeath IMO, wtf are they even doing on this list?

#8 Pantera, if we were going by impact, like we did with the Metallica pick earlier, then it has to be the solo from Cemetery Gates.

#7 GNR, for impact sure Sweet Child

#6 Ozzy sure, but the track needs to be replaced with Crazy Train... or Desire.

#5 Queen, sure its iconic.

#4 Jimi, of course it should be All Along the Watchtower or Hey Joe, and not Voodoo Child

#3 No brainer, Led Zep and Stairway

#2 Pink Floyd, no brainer

#1 No, just no, wtf is Van Halen Eruption doing as the number 1 pick‽ If not Pink Floyd, Led Zep or Hendrix then surely While My Guitar Gently Weeps by The Beatles deserves the top spot.

As for what else is missing, for impact, where is the aforementioned Beatles, not a single spot for them, while they included fucking Yngwe‽

Also Santana – Black Magic Woman, Jeff Beck, RATM/Tommy Morello, Gary Moore/Thin Lizzy, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Rolling Stones, Eagles - Hotel California, Boston - More Than a Feeling and since it's me, any list that doesn't include Dire Straits - Sultans of Swing fails completely smiley

Oh and and of course Chuck Berry - Johnny B Goode needs to be included for inventing the damn thing.
Vuzman on March 04 2021 14:00:15
I agree with a lot of what this guy and Norlander are saying. Hotel California, Back in Black, All along the Watchtower, Freebird, all should be there.

Sultans of Swing, sure. Maybe Rosanna too? More than a Feeling, ok.

Feels like Tom Morello should be there too. I don't think SRV should be there. That Little Wing solo is indeed great, but it's live, and I think that's another list.

Eric Clapton's best solo is on While My Guitar Gently Weeps.

I don't even think Eruption is a good guitar solo. It might have been influential, and Eddie was for sure both a fantastic guitar player and fantastically influential, but that solo is just not good. It's just not coherent. It doesn't have a melody, except for the last part which he really should have made to fit into the rest of the song. The first part just sounds like some guitar player doing exercises to warm up his fingers. Which is exactly what that part was before he put it into the song. smh.
Boddin on March 05 2021 22:24:40
Nice take on Eruption Vuzman. His solo on "Beat it" is chaotic but fits perfectly for the song.
Another wacky solo that just fits in is Motley Crue Kickstart my heart.

Gary Moores Still got the blues is just a good solo.

SRV < Jimi.... just saying smiley
OKJones on March 06 2021 19:39:18
Agree with most of what has been said already.

Was just going to mention "Beat It" but Boddin beat me to it smiley Although it is Van Halen's solo, what we hear on the record is Steve Lukather. Quincy Jones the producer didn't like Eddie's take, he thought it was a bit too harsh, so he asked Steve Lukather to play over Eddie's take and the rest is history.

#11 Highway Star is the only solo Ritchie has practised and really worked on for a song, the rest have been a spur of the moment thing. I'm not sure this song belongs on the list, it's a great song and a great solo and i think Ritchie has influenced a lot of guitarist.
Vuzman on March 08 2021 10:42:09
You sure about the solo in 'Beat It'? Here's Steve talking about how he and Jeff Porcaro managed to rescue EVH's take as the timing had been cut off the tape (if I understand him correctly).

Did not know that about Ritchie's solos. I think his solo on Child in Time is maybe his best. He also has a lot of great solos with Rainbow. Ritchie also stands out from most other guitarists on this list with how he always plays clean, i.e. no (or minimal) distortion etc.

Come to think of it, I think Blue Öyster Cult's 'Don't Fear the Reaper' should be on the list.
Norlander on March 08 2021 16:41:30
Might just be me, but I don't think the Beat It solo belongs anywhere near this list. Of the Jacksons I'd take Janet Jackson - Black Cat and its solo above Beat It for influence and enjoyment. The song itself is famous for its guitar, both the riffs and the solo, while Beat It is more famous for its... beat.

Several of the biggest selling artists of the new millennium cite it as one of the most inspirational songs for them, that made them go in a more rock and less sweet dance pop way, including Rihanna, Solange and weirdly enough Britney Spears, in addition Alanis Morissette Jagged Little Pill album owes its existence to that song, the band seeing that Alanis actually liked hard rock and not the disco-pop they had been producing. Also the song was mixed by Michael Wagener as a one off from his normal heavy metal work.

Anyhow if that isn't enough, then this from the God of Metal might convince you
Lemmy Kilmister of Motörhead intended to record a version of "Black Cat" with Jackson, but was prohibited. Lemmy stated, "I wanted to do a version of 'Black Cat' with her, but Sony wouldn't let me. You could tell from the video that she was having a good time, that this loud rock music is what she really wanted to be doing. I love that fuckin' song.. Great fuckin' song that but the record company wouldn't let it be possible."[12] Lemmy later revealed Jackson as his most desired collaboration and planned to record a new version with her for his unreleased solo album Lemmy & Friends, saying "I want to get Janet Jackson to do this great lost single called 'Black Cat'."[13]
OKJones on March 09 2021 09:01:00
Steve Lukather: "Quincy Jones and Michael took a skeleton version of Beat it up to Eddie Van Halen's place as they wanted him to solo over the verse section. However, he played over a section that had more chord changes. So to fit his solo to where it went in the song, they had to cut the tape which took a lot of time to synchronise together."
"After they had managed this, Jeff Porcaro and me were called in to bind Eddie's solo and some haphazard percussion which was a major headache. Initially, we rocked it out as Eddie had played a good solo but Quincy thought it too tough. So I had to reduce the distorted guitar sound and this is what was released. It was a huge R&B/rock success for us all really and helped pave the way for the bands of today that fuse these styles."

Agree with Child in Time but for me could also be Stargazer and another thing with Ritchie is you only need to hear a few notes to know it's Ritchie playing, his style is very unique like it or not.

Without listening to Don't fear the reaper' i can't remember the solo, that's probably not a good thing.

All in all I think it's very difficult to make a fair top 15 list. You need to know what the merits are for a solo to make the list, and i'm not sure about what they are.
Vuzman on March 09 2021 13:07:06
Black Cat? Really? I just listened to it, could not remember it, even though I've heard the song many times. I don't think that solo is memorable and I don't think it is top 15 good. The song may have been influential, which is surprising to me, but I strongly doubt that the solo was.

@OKJones, maybe listen to the Reaper again, I'm sure you'll remember it when you hear it. It's played over a birdge(?) piece, so it doesn't have the base melody like the rest of the song, which might make it difficult to remember if you're playing it inside your head.
OKJones on March 09 2021 13:40:36
I get what you're saying, but for me it doesn't make the list, it would definately get to top 3 on a "Top 15 songs with a cowbell" list.

Toto's Hold the Line has a fucking awesome solo, it should be on.
Norlander on March 09 2021 16:10:41
I don't think it is top 15 good.

Agree with you there, but its still better then the solo in Beat It, i.e. Beat It doesn't belong anywhere near the top 15, Don't Fear the Reaper isn't worth it either tbh.

Look you need to give at least 5 places to the foundations of the damn thing, so that is Chuck Berry, The Beatles, Rolling Stones, Cream and Jimi Hendrix.

Then you have 5 places to the progression in the 70's, so that is Pink Floyd, Led Zep, Ozzy, Queen... and one more, for me that would be Mark Knopfler/Dire Straits, but I have to acknowledge that Santata did some thing major as well, and Gary Moore, Boston, Toto and Deep Purple are all good shouts that could be justified for that one spot.

Then you have the remaining 5 places for the hard rock / heavy metal of the 80's and onwards, so that's Metallica, Pantera, AC/DC, GNR... and Van Halen? I'd take Slayer (Seasons), JP (Painkiller), Dio (Holy Diver), Aerosmith (Elevator, Dude or one of the power ballads, Amazing for instance) and even Megadeath (Tornado) and RATM (Killing in the name) over Van Halen.

Beat It, Don't Fear the Reaper, etc. are all far down the list, and my point was that Black Cat is above them - see Lemmy's statement.
Norlander on March 09 2021 16:30:27
Now we might disagree on the divisions, but we have at least 25 songs, groups, guitarists that deserve to be in the list before we get to things such as the Jacksons and Blue Oyster Cult.
Grizlas on March 09 2021 17:30:05
I thought this would be a list of somewhat obscure heavy metal solos I would have a hard time relating to. Instead I pretty much agree with everything the video guy says and your comments. Dire Straits and Beatles definitely need to be there

And if it has to be Metal and we're going for Impact, I'd like Final Countdown in there somewhere, even if it is more of a synthesizer thing.
Norlander on March 09 2021 18:24:06
Just realized I forgot to include The Who, Kiss, Nirvana (hard to beat Smells like... for impact, even if the solo is just the melody its fucking iconic), Pearl Jam (Solo in Alive is quite prominent and that song had a massive impact on the 90's scene, second to Smells like... IMO), Alice In Chains, Foo Fighters and Audioslave (Tommy Morello again), not that I think they deserve the top 15 billing, but they are all a shout for top 30. Well Smells Like Teen Spirit had impact like no other (except Beatles and Hendrix) so it probably should go straight into the top 15.
OKJones on March 09 2021 19:21:24
No, no, no, STOP! Not fucking Nirvana. They have absolutely fuck all to do with guitar solos, it's a fucking riff that keeps repeating itself until your ears start to bleed, kind of like wanking except for the bleeding part... mostly. Nirvana has added zero to the evolution of guitar playing.

And why do we have to muddle this list with the Rolling Stones, what fucking solo did they ever do? We need to focus on the soloing. This is not the rock n roll hall of fame where we just invite Jay-z, Nas and whatever we feel like.
Vuzman on March 10 2021 13:49:18
I'm with OKJones here. I think Norlander is completely missing the point here. It's about the solos. And when we're talking about impact or influence, it's about what impact or influence the specific solo had on guitarists and guitar playing. Not how the song as a whole impacted or influenced anyone. That's why the Eruption solo is so often on these lists. EVH might not have invented two-handed tapping, but Eruption put a whole new spin on it, and it (and EVH's playing in general) had a massive influence on guitar players.

@OKJones I think Steve is talking about the rhythm guitar part that he played. If you list to the clip I posted earlier, he talks about Quincy telling him to tone down the rhythm guitar part as it was too hard for pop radio.
Norlander on March 10 2021 15:05:32
The specific solo from Smells like teen spirit is what people remember the song by, there are more than 10000 videos covers of that one particular solo going by a simple search of "smells like teen spirit" "guitar solo". And yes - no one is saying it's not an easy solo, it appears in many videos of easy beginner solos, like this one, but that does not take away the fact that its a guitar solo of absolutely massive importance to rock history, guitar history and music history. If you just want the technically craziest solos then it would be Phish all the way down the list, with a smattering of Yngwe and SRV, as to not bore everyone to death.

Will give you the point on Keith being the human riff.
OKJones on March 10 2021 16:55:16
I had to listen to smells to check if there was a solo in the song, and lo and behold there kind of is a solo. Just got me thinking of pipar og salt, "spæl eitt millumspæl". Anyhow, i would say that the song as a whole has its place in rock history, but the guitar solo has had between zero and very little importance to rock history. I have never ever heard anyone mention this solo in any circumstance, and why would they? It's boring and lazy as fuck. I'm sure Kurt would agree.

Although it has notting to do with the subject, even Nirvana got tired of this song
OKJones on March 10 2021 17:03:16
you don't have to get very technical to rule out Nirvana, that doesn't mean you'll end up with SRV, Phish (who?) and Yngwie all the way. These are two extremes we have to be somewhere in the middle of this.
OKJones on March 10 2021 21:59:32
Ok then I'll give it a shot. In no particular order except for number 1.

1. Pink Floyd - Comfortably Numb
2. Led Zeppelin - Stairway to Heaven
3. The Eagles - Hotel California
4. Dire Straits - Sultains of Swing
5. Derek & The Dominos - Layla
6. Free Bird - Lynyrd Skynyrd
7. Metallica - One
8. Chicago - 25 or 6 to 4
9. Toto - Hold the Line
10. Ozzy Osbourne- Crazy Train
11. Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody
12. Jimmi Hendrix - All Along the Watchtower
13. Rage Against the Machine - Killing in the Name
14. Europe - Superstitious
15. Prince - Purple Rain
Norlander on March 11 2021 15:20:19
That is a good way of resolving this, here is mine:

1. Dire Straits - Sultans of Swing. The solo in Brothers in Arms matters more to me, but Sultans of Swing is just better, probably the best solo of all time (in live versions). If I could repeat a band on this list both would be there. Telegraph Road also deserves a mention.

2. Pink Floyd - Shine On You Crazy Diamond. It just makes the whole song. Comfortably Numb is also fantastic, and again, if I were to repeat a band then both would be on the list. Some of the others would just have to be pushed out.

3. Metallica - Fade to Black, the intro solo is just ... something else, and then you have a second amazing solo as well. Honestly it could one of a dozen songs, including One, Nothing Else Matters, The Unforgiven, Ride the Lightning and Welcome Home (Sanitarium), but Fade wins it for me.

4. Gary Moore - Still Got the Blues. Countless evenings spent listening to this back in the day. Its an amazing solo, and yes I could have picked picked Parisienne Walkways or Empty Rooms instead, but: Often I say I'm a fan of The Rolling Stones, but actually I'm a massive fan of Blues Rock, which plays a part in several but not all of their songs, and I generally don't like their other songs. And it is this is song that began the musical love affair with blues rock.

5. Guns n' Roses - November Rain. Controversial maybe, but the 3-4 different solos in this song are all just amazing to me. It could be Sweet Child, but November Rain is the epitome of the power ballad.

6. Led Zeppelin - Stairway to Heaven. The first of a couple of "without this song and solo this band wouldn't matter much to me" solos. Yes I have later begun to enjoy other songs, but Stairway was the introduction, and honestly the whole reason for it.

7. The Eagles - Hotel California. Good call, it deserves it, I've loved this for decades, so it absolutely deserves a high position in my own personal ranking.

8. Toto - Rosanna. This to me is Steve's best solo out of many.

9. The Beatles - While My Guitar Gently Weeps. The best guitar work by the Beatles was done by Eric Clapton smiley

10. Scorpions - Still Loving You. Matthias Jabs is so underrated, equal to Yngwe and Eddie, but it's actually Rudolf Schenker that plays the lead guitar here. The weird part is that the handful of songs where Rudolf plays lead guitar are my favorite ones: this one, Winds of Change, Send Me an Angel, Big City Nights and When the Smoke Is Going Down. Guess the Yngwe/Eddie/Matthias style doesn't appeal to me so much when I really have to choose. Their solos don't sound like they belong in their songs somehow.

11. Ozzy Osbourne - Crazy Train. It was either this, or Desire of No More Tears, but Rhandi won out over Zakk.

12. Marillion - Kayleigh. It's just something special about it for me. Its similar to the Led Zep and Prince case, this song is amazing, the rest of their discography is "meh".

13. Skid Row - I Remember You. It's just a personal favorite that I cannot ignore. Something about those power ballads.

14. Prince - Purple Rain. As was the case with Led Zep, without this song Prince would be "meh".

15. Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody. WIthout this there would be no November Rain, or a host of other complex power ballads.

15 unranked honorable mentions that all appeared in this ranking while I was writing it, but then got pruned as the top slots are so competitive:

16-30 Jimi Hendrix - All Along the Watchtower. Jimi is just iconic, but the more I think about it the further down the list he drops.

16-30 Pearl Jam - Alive

16-30 Pantera - Cemetery Gates. This solo is the whole reason I like the band.

16-30 Rage Against the Machine - Killing in the Name

16-30 AC/DC - Back in Black

16-30 Boston - More Than a Feeling

16-30 Blind Guardian - The Bard's Song (the Hobbit)

16-30 Joy Division - New Dawn Fades

16-30 Red Hot Chili Peppers - Dani California. John Frusciante is so underrated.

16-30 Lynyrd Skynyrd - Free Bird

16-30 Aerosmith - Amazing

16-30 Whitesnake - Is This Love

16-30 Alice Cooper - Bed of Nails

16-30 Michael Jackson - Beat It. Yeah listening to it a few times back to back... it deserves its mention. Don't know what makes the guitar really come alive, is it the work of Eddie Van Halen or Steve Lukather, probably both.

16-30 Van Halen - Top of the World. Van Halen needs to be mentioned, and the best solo that fits and lifts the song is Top of the World. A lot of the other solos are Yngwe jams IMO. Oddly enough they had an extra guy along for this song - Steve "wtf him again‽" Lukather smileysmiley
Norlander on March 11 2021 15:24:20
One thing this discussion has done, is lead me to some fantastic YouTube channels, like these two guys:

Nikola Gugoski, who plays a lot of the solos we've mentioned - but unlike all the others I've found he plays it with tabs in a way to teach you how to play it! You should really check it out.

Rick Beato goes in depth on teaching music theory, and his series "What Makes This Song Great?" is just amazing. He brought me around on the Nirvana solo, and how Tool - Schism is actually not a solo but a riff. He also made a list of greatest underated solos, where Rolling Stones, and Blue Öyster Cult appear, and #1 was Lionel Richie (but really Steve Lukather, yeah wtf him again smiley ) - Running With the Night.

Also worth checking out his interview with Steve Lukather, Steve actually is a big fan of the channel, and helps him when take down notices and strikes appear against his channels.

OKJones on March 11 2021 17:04:54
Ok i'll give some insight too

1. Pink Floyd - Comfortably Numb. I mean it could also be Shine, but this solo man, especially on pulse. If you don't feel this solo then you're dead.

2. Led Zeppelin - Stairway to Heaven. There probably is a good reason that there is a silent ban on Stairway to Heaven and Smoke on the Water. I think it's a very good solo, but at the same time i have heard it too much, i really don't care for it anymore, i never play it. But it still deserves to be on here.

3. The Eagles - Hotel California. A classic and a great solo, doesn't need much explaining.

4. Dire Straits - Sultains of Swing. The version on Alchemy live is their best version of this song, you could almost say it's a different song. I think Mark Knopfler has to be on this list he is totally unique as a guitar player and one of the best in my oppinion.

5. Derek & The Dominos - Layla. I really don't care that much for Eric Clapton, he's written some good music but it doesn't get me all that excited. But he has to be on this list, and Layla is my favorite of his solos.

6. Free Bird - Lynyrd Skynyrd. It's fucking long, but damn good.

7. Metallica - One. I could have picked a bunch of songs here, but this was the first Metallica song i heard and i was sold. I'm a bit torn having Kirk Hammett on this list, Hetfield I have no problem with, but Kirk really isn't that great, he is a bit sloppy and things like that. But he has written a bunch of good licks and riffs and some decent solos. I guess his spot is well deserved, his influence on rock music is probably astronomical.

8. Chicago - 25 or 6 to 4. I don't even know the name of the guitarist but I wanted to include some of the old bands and the solo is cool.

9. Toto - Hold the Line. Steve Lukather probably my favourite guitarist he can do no wrong. It could also have been Roseanna and a bunch of others.

10. Ozzy Osbourne- Crazy Train. Randy Rhoads probably my favourite guitarist also. I personaly like the solo on Mr. Crowley better, but Crazy Train is a classic.

11. Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody. Yes, moving on.

12. Jimmi Hendrix - All Along the Watchtower. Jimmi's influence on guitar is huge, so are his solos. In hindsight I shouldn't have picked this song, it's a great solo don't get me wrong, but i think the music is kind of slow, his voice is a bit meh. The problem is i don't care that much for his music. I could have picked something better.

13. Rage Against the Machine - Killing in the Name. Tom Morello has to be on here, right?

14. Europe - Superstitious - Kee Marcello a phenomenal guitar player but had a strangely short or narrow career. He is my pick for the hair metal guys. His solos are just so fucking awesome. I could have picked Cherokee or the final countdown, but the solo on superstitious is just a buttery masterpiece.

15. Prince - Purple Rain. Yes I am gay and I like this solo very much.

Some honerable mentions which were in and out of the list.

Journey - Don't Stop Believin
Whitesnake/Steve Vai - Here I go again / For the love of god
B.B. King - The Thrill Is Gone
Boston - More Than a Feeling
Deep Purple - Child in Time
The Beatles - While My Guitar Gently Weeps
Dio - The last in line / Holy Diver
Gary Moore - Over the Hills and far away / Still got the blues
Rainbow - Man on the silver mountain / Stargazer
Scorpions - Rock you like a hurricane
Mr Big - To be with you
Van Halen - Jump
Whitesnake - Is this Love
Black Sabbath - War Pigs
OKJones on March 11 2021 17:24:59

4. I also had Gary Moore on there with Out in the Fields or one of the ones you mentioned.

12. I love Steve Rothary from Marillion, he is very underrated and he reminds me of Gilmoure in his playing. Surprised you picked this, but his solos are very good. I personally like his solo on Easter better. I would suggest you give Easter, Seasons End and The Space a listen and the music needs to marinate.
Grizlas on March 12 2021 13:00:56
Very interesting takes, thanks for the writeup smiley

My programmer brain wants to have a precise definition of what a "guitar solo" is and what constitutes a "good" or "the best" guitar solo. Lacking that, I think it would be interesting to see what guitar solos todays guitarists are trying to learn.

Here is a link to for most popular tabs of all time marked as "Solo".[]=solo&order=hitstotal_desc

You've forgotten to add Despacito to your lists! smiley
OKJones on March 12 2021 14:27:03
I know what you mean about when is it a guitar solo. But you can hear when it's a guitar solo, on some point we go "yep it's a guitar solo". If you aren't sure if it's a guitar solo or not, then it probably isn't or it's probably not very good.

I would like it if more people came with their top 15 list smiley
Vuzman on March 12 2021 15:45:21
You guys need to get out of here with your live solos. They're a completely different beast, and are not allowed on this list. Especially since 99% of live solos aren't recorded professionally and most of them were only ever heard by the people present.

Smells is not a good solo. I'm sure it's popular with beginner guitarists, but that's because it's so basic. The song may have had a big impact, the solo didn't.

@OKJones, the guitarists name is Terry Kath. You haven't heard of him cause he died youmg, and I believe that is also the reason why early Chicago sounds so different from late Chicago.

@Grizlas, to paraphrase OKJones, "You'll know it when you hear it".

I'll try to put a list together, but I'm off work now, so it'll have to wait.
OKJones on March 12 2021 17:34:36
I only mentioned the live solo on sultains of swin, it doesn't change my choice on the pick.
Norlander on March 12 2021 19:35:14
Spiff on March 13 2021 20:44:47
First of all, I don´t know what a good solo is, if it´s well played or amazingly difficult to execute, it´s just the feeling i get when i hear it. Normally the solo´s the most boring bit of the song for me. So i don´t have so much to say about the choices, except they get me

1. Pink Floyd - Comfortably Numb. Gets me every time

2. Dire Straits - Sultans of Swing. Could the be number one, love the sound

3. The Eagles - Hotel California. What can you say, amazing

4. The Beatles - While my guitar gently weeps. how can you not like this

5. Metallica - One. This song changed music for me, loved every bit of it. The solo just as much as the rest, which is not often. Coluld be many others, but you just don´t forget the first real thing

6. Lynard Skynard - Free Bird. Can listen to it to the end every time, must be something good

7. Prince - Purple Rain.

8. Lost Society - I am the antidote. Some new love in music, find it amazing

9. Jimi Hendrix - all along the watchtower. Could be many others too, the sound and vibe

10. Gun´s and roses - November Rain.

11. Led Zeppilin - Stairway to heaven. Of course

12. AC/DC - Highway to hell.

13. Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody.

14. Iron Maiden - The Trooper.

...and many others, like old stuff from Peter Green when in Fleetwood Mac. My top 5, all on top. The rest could be placed everywhere with a lot of others
Grizlas on March 20 2021 12:06:20
I'm not much of a music listener and have very little to add to this discussion. If we're doing 1 song per band, this is my list:

1. Pink Floyd - Comfortably Numb
2. Dire Straits - Sultains of Swing
3. Led Zeppelin - Stairway to Heaven
4. The Eagles - Hotel California
5. The Beatles - While my guitar gently weeps.
6. Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody
7. Jimmi Hendrix - All Along the Watchtower
8. Guns n' Roses - Sweet Child Of Mine
9. Toto - Roseanna
10. Metallica - One
11. Europe - Final Countdown
12. Van Halen - Jump
13. Gary Moore - Still Got The Blues
14. Prince - Purple Rain
15. Bon Jovi - Wanted Dead Or Alive
Norlander on April 02 2021 15:15:32
Was listening to some Europe today, and you’re right, they have some amazing solos, honourable mention at the very least
OKJones on April 30 2021 22:19:57
After crapping all over Loudwire, Loudwire invited him to play some riffs smiley

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26/08/2024 07:45
Try the google search box

24/08/2024 23:30

24/08/2024 22:08
does the search function even work?

24/12/2023 15:06
Gleðilig jól

24/12/2023 10:09
Gleðilig jól!

29/10/2023 19:16

29/10/2023 11:35
RIP Matthew Perry.

25/08/2023 19:22
That's not from the chess scene, it's Omar to Wee Bay, 2 mins into this clip:

25/08/2023 18:11
That chess scene is forever seared into my memory...

24/08/2023 20:03
You quoting the Wire, wow smiley