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FollowupThe Grind and Faroese culture - Interview with John Johannesen

Grizlas on December 07 2016 04:21:10
Nice to John’s face again – I hope he is well.

I should probably leave this one alone, but I cannot resist:

As far as John is concerned, we should all act according to his principles of justice and goodness, thereby fulfilling our potential as individual human beings. Yet not much thought seems to have been put into understanding what it means to be a human being. The cruelty of the Faroese genuinely seems to amaze him, as do their weird platitudes about tradition that he easily refutes. His keen observations of behavior offer surprisingly few insights: He has never understood why the Faroese get excited by whale killing - they may simply be bloodthirsty sadists, or it could have something to do with the action of it, or the prospect of a nice meal. Even the actions of the pilot whales themselves appear incomprehensible (There seems to be no clear consensus as to why whales beach themselves, but there are some theories at least).

Once an observation is made, very little time seems to be spent contemplating the “why”. It seems to be more about bestowing judgement: Good or Evil - Luke or Wader.

It has been 20 years since I last heard him argue his points, yet they remain exactly the same – no new knowledge appears to have been gathered. One might have hoped he by now would have delved a bit deeper, and maybe have answers to some of the many whys touched upon by this topic, such as what the concept of tradition is (beyond “something we have done for a long time”). It is not that his arguments are wrong. It is just that they are a boring cul-de-sac. In my opinion, judgement is best reserved for later, when you are in possession of at least some of the facts. Claiming that other people are sheep and cannot think for themselves, and are therefore Evil, is simplistic and pointless.
Torellion on December 09 2016 12:33:38
Her er greinin sum portalurin skrivaði um samrøðuna

Eg veit ikki rættuliga hvat eg skal halda um viðmerkingirnar undir greinini. Tær fáa meg næstan at fara í part við JJ smiley
Vuzman on December 09 2016 13:13:44
@Torellion, ja, har vóru fleiri sum føldu at tey skuldu bekrefta John'sa fordómar...

Eg kom til at flenna hart tá eg las hetta gullkornið:
Nú eru so nógv fólk á Jørðini, at torført er at metta øll um øll ikki skifta yvir til at eta plantur. Tað er í mínum hugaheimi stórsta orsøk til at halda áfram við at eta kjøt - fyri at minka um grundarlagið fyri fleiri fólkum á Jørðuni.
Grizlas on December 09 2016 13:14:31

Hann virkar provokerandi, og tí er tað eingin sum yvirhøvur lurtar eftir hansara argumentum.
Norlander on December 09 2016 17:41:50
Eg flenti tá onkur á portalinum spurdi um hann var Army smiley

Hevði ikki vænta at hann var so miki gloymdur av palleba sum hann er, eingin skrivaði um hansara Salomon citat (Exodus 23:2), tó ein (Hallur, syskinabarn hjá Barður?) mintist at hann spældi D&D...
OKJones on December 09 2016 21:46:56
Ja, systkinabarn Bárð
Vester on December 21 2016 21:21:15
hugaligt at siggja hann aftur.. hann er onki broyttur hesi seinastu 18 árini.. ótrúligt smiley Men dámdi væl at hann í hasum ikki bert er ímótir grindadrápi sum teir royndu at fáa hann at práta ímótir.. men ímótir dráp á øll djór.. tad gevur í minari verd nógv meira meining.. Ak.. má siga at man sq saknar handan john av og á.. c".)
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26/08/2024 07:45
Try the google search box

24/08/2024 23:30

24/08/2024 22:08
does the search function even work?

24/12/2023 15:06
Gleðilig jól

24/12/2023 10:09
Gleðilig jól!

29/10/2023 19:16

29/10/2023 11:35
RIP Matthew Perry.

25/08/2023 19:22
That's not from the chess scene, it's Omar to Wee Bay, 2 mins into this clip:

25/08/2023 18:11
That chess scene is forever seared into my memory...

24/08/2023 20:03
You quoting the Wire, wow smiley