Grizlason December 18 2014 09:58:38
So basically...
Hollywood made a Seth Rogan comedy about the assassination of Kim Jong-un. North Korea found out, and launched a cyberattack on Sony that effectively cancelled the release of the movie.
Crazy stuff
Vesteron December 21 2014 02:25:24
Tad sum er meira skelkandi, er at tad nok fer, at ávirka filmfelag framyvir. Hvat slag av filmum teir tora at geva út og at framleiga. tá id man hugsar um at biografar valdi ikki at vísa filmin pga hóttan, sum er yvir reaktion?. Tvs tad kan gott koma eitt slag av "censur" á filmun, in the making framyvir.. :/
Vuzmanon January 16 2015 14:47:03
Sure they did. Here's a publicity photo where the North Koreans are trying to show off their high tech computer awesomeness...