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BreakingNew study suggests gays are indeed born gay

Vuzman on November 26 2014 14:25:57
Not that it matters...
Jogvanth on November 26 2014 16:36:29
Me thinks it may lead to something dangerous
Vuzman on November 26 2014 17:46:02
How so?
Jogvanth on November 26 2014 21:50:31
Knowing the Religious Nutcases' view on Homosexuality as a "Disease", they are bound to use this for some twisted abhorent purpose.
Otherwise, I like it. Good Article.
Torellion on November 26 2014 23:53:11
I am not sure why anyone thinks this matters. Maybe someone can enlighten me?
Roffen on November 27 2014 11:04:19
I will tell you why it matters, Torellion:

It is because in several years from now, religious 'nutcases' that have seized power, will declare that all hoosexuals must die, because they cannot be cured from their appearently twisted and sick ways!
(sarcasm ends here).

I agree totally with Torellion, does it really matter?
Vuzman on November 27 2014 12:36:46
In principle, it doesn't matter.

Pragmatically, it might help further acceptance of homosexuality. It is far easier for people to deplore other people's choices as immoral, but not so easy when it's not a choice, but an immutable, congenital condition.

I have a hard time seeing people twisting this for nefarious purposes, but I guess I wouldn't put it past some people.

Either way, I posted it simply because it might be of interest.
Jogvanth on November 27 2014 12:45:42
And it is interesting. Only, after having done some light research into the ways of especially American Religious Extremists, I am already anticipating various scenarios that they might try and twist such knowledge for their own purposes.
On the positive side, it might actually do incredible good, as a lot of (especially religious) people will now have to accept homosexuality as a genetic "defect" (although I hate that definition) and not as a choice or disease that can be cured or altered. It will inevitably lead to a greater acceptance of gay people.
A lot of people are not as accepting of gay people as most of us are. That is why this matters.
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01/01/2025 00:37
Takk, somuleiðis!

31/12/2024 23:30
Gott nýggjár!

06/11/2024 20:17

05/11/2024 13:14
tta finally works again

26/08/2024 07:45
Try the google search box

24/08/2024 23:30

24/08/2024 22:08
does the search function even work?

24/12/2023 15:06
Gleðilig jól

24/12/2023 10:09
Gleðilig jól!

29/10/2023 19:16