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HotThe Celeb Fappening (NSFW)

Norlander on September 01 2014 06:30:37
This was bound to happen at some point, with everyone using automatic cloud picture storage on mobiles

News report on the leak (safe for work).
Norlander on September 01 2014 06:37:39
Love Reddit commentssmiley

[–]AutomaticAxe 2126 points 7 hours ago
There's a whole gang of PR people right now just losing their goddamn minds

[–]_iwasthere_083114_ 1617 points 7 hours ago
No they're fapping too

[–]Freeballa 596 points 6 hours ago
The intern hasn't been seen in 4 hours, its suspected he died.

[–]killahKaZx 53 points 6 hours ago
cant they do both? while yelling into phones obviously.

[–]LyricBaritone 3 points 2 hours ago
If you can't simultaneously ejaculate and conduct your business at a high level, your multitasking skills are clearly not cut out for Hollywood.

[–]chaz_dillinger 1950 points 7 hours ago
I haven't paid this much attention to a developing news story since 9/11.

[–]shogi_x 2645 points 6 hours ago
This time the tower is going up

[–]gatordude731 1384 points 7 hours ago
Remember remember the day before September
Norlander on September 01 2014 07:59:42
A NSFW link to the collection (thefappening2014 tag), though there are several fakes in between the real ones.
Norlander on September 01 2014 14:13:48
link hits: 25

Impressive for 10 hours, guess many of you are silently checking this out smiley
Vuzman on September 01 2014 14:15:54
We're just reading these comments smiley
Norlander on September 01 2014 16:59:04
Just like you read Playboy for the articles?smiley

Annars haldi eg at teljarin ikki telur upp, um tú bara hygger eftir kommentarum her, tú skalt trýsta á link fyri at hann telur tað sum eitt link hit.
Grizlas on September 01 2014 19:05:36
Nice smiley
Norlander on September 02 2014 06:11:13
Now the lawyers are done fapping and images are slowly being removed from most "legit" sites.

iCloud might have been hacked via a new exploit in the Find My iPhone app. (regular news link & Apple nerd news link)
Vester on September 02 2014 22:51:00
very very nice smiley
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26/08/2024 07:45
Try the google search box

24/08/2024 23:30

24/08/2024 22:08
does the search function even work?

24/12/2023 15:06
Gleðilig jól

24/12/2023 10:09
Gleðilig jól!

29/10/2023 19:16

29/10/2023 11:35
RIP Matthew Perry.

25/08/2023 19:22
That's not from the chess scene, it's Omar to Wee Bay, 2 mins into this clip:

25/08/2023 18:11
That chess scene is forever seared into my memory...

24/08/2023 20:03
You quoting the Wire, wow smiley