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InterestA Plea for Caution From Russia - Vladimir Putin's op-ed in the New York Times

Laluu on September 12 2013 12:42:36
Very interesting piece.

I was afraid of situations like this, when the coalition of the willing was formed to attack Iraq - ignoring the Security Council. The attack on Iraq should therefore be considered an act of aggression according to the UN charter.

IMHO Bush, Blair and their governments are much to blame for the current situation. They seriously damaged the UN Security Council and cast doubt on whatever the UNSC would do for decades to come. All the work in the UNSC on Syria, the Russian vetos and the failed attempts at creating consensus and bringing Russia on board are probably based on the complete lack of trust fostered by the Iraq rhetoric.

While I do find his Putin's rhetoric compelling and have little respect for US foreign policy, I think we also need to consider Putin's motives and his track record.

Jonathan from Florida sums it up nicely:
I find it particularly funny almost, the way he admonishes the world. We know he is providing aid to the Syrian government, probably both militarily and financially. He speaks of the U.N. and its great "leverage" but fails to mention he is the one causing it to go down the path of the league of nations by using what was supposed to be a emergency veto option multiple times, actually every time a Syrian resolution comes up. He loosely tries to convince that there is some reason to believe the rebels were responsible when every single piece of evidence points to Assad, including a U.N. committees report that the regime is behind 8 chemical weapons attacks while the rebels are behind one.

Its thinly veiled and has the air of a olive branch, but if you stay alert, you realize its the same Putin working solely for his best interests and this is just rhetoric by a politician who knows how to come across as warm when they are in actuality the opposite.
Vuzman on September 12 2013 13:01:14
My eyes widen every time Obama, Putin, and their henchmen tell us that it is obviously this or that faction that used chemical weapons. Nothing is obvious, they haven't shown any evidence, and their credibility is non-existent.

Only the UN has some credibility left, but they seem impotent and irrelevant. I agree that this is largely Bush/Blair and Putin's doing, but let's not forget that our government joined the 'coalition of the willing', thus further weakening the UN's mandate and raison d'être.
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01/01/2025 00:37
Takk, somuleiðis!

31/12/2024 23:30
Gott nýggjár!

06/11/2024 20:17

05/11/2024 13:14
tta finally works again

26/08/2024 07:45
Try the google search box

24/08/2024 23:30

24/08/2024 22:08
does the search function even work?

24/12/2023 15:06
Gleðilig jól

24/12/2023 10:09
Gleðilig jól!

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