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InterestWorld's top 200 universities

Grizlas on November 10 2010 15:02:48
Pretty cool.

I'm rather surprised at how low DK features on those lists. Somehow I imagined the danish universities as being higher than the Swedish ones, which clearly isn't the case.
Yutani on November 10 2010 18:09:56
I remember a few months back Copenhagen University had a big news item about being ranked 8th (or was it 7th) in the world. I imagine that there are quite a few rankings. However, I doubt that whatever ranking placed DK at number 8 is more reliable than the one in the link.
Yutani on November 10 2010 18:14:01
I remembered wrong: KU is 7th in Europe and 40th in the world.

Academic Ranking of World Universities

Atleast, in the linked ranking, Denmark ranks higher than Sweden smiley

I suppose that how many articles the school's staff publish is an important element in the ranking, as well as prizes won (such as the Nobel prize). I believe that as of yet, there is no required number of articles published to remain a lecturer in KU, whereas I believe other universities have that criteria.

If someone compiled a ranking of, say: how well students mastered a test in their specific field, I can't imagine KU would be in the top 10, nor that it would drop below the top 100.
Norlander on November 11 2010 01:00:11
Most lists rank KU as the best general university in the Nordic Countries. It is also the biggest general University, so that isn't very surprising.

ARWU is also generally the most objective survey, as it uses only objective measurements. The Times Higher education, and the US News and World Report are based on more subjective measurements.

The problem with Sweden in the ARWU ranking is that their best School is not a general University and therefore suffers a lot in the general rankings.

On a personal note any lists that puts KU (including the old KVL) behind AU doesn't know what it's doingsmiley
Vuzman on November 11 2010 10:20:51
Of course it's very hard to put a single grade on a university and also have it be meaningful.

I guess a comparison of the two lists reveals that KU's reputation is worse than it should be.

Also, if you're a student, which university should you choose? The one that has a better reputation, or the one who has a better teaching environment, or the one who has the better publishing history?

It's not an easy trade-off, and these lists should probably not be taken too seriously. The ones who really can use these lists are the universities themselves, for promotion and/or improvement, and politicians... smiley
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01/01/2025 00:37
Takk, somuleiðis!

31/12/2024 23:30
Gott nýggjár!

06/11/2024 20:17

05/11/2024 13:14
tta finally works again

26/08/2024 07:45
Try the google search box

24/08/2024 23:30

24/08/2024 22:08
does the search function even work?

24/12/2023 15:06
Gleðilig jól

24/12/2023 10:09
Gleðilig jól!

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