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Grizlas on June 02 2010 00:26:53
He makes some good points, but why do I still get the feeling that this is a long time apple fanboi that enjoys sticking it to microsoft?

He seems a little too happy about the whole thing smiley
Vuzman on June 02 2010 07:29:27
Having looked at his blog archive he seems to be a Linux fanboy. But he is not saying that PCs will be replaced by Macs, he is saying that PCs will be replaced by other units. My phone is already more powerful than my computer (or it's close), I have a games console, a media player, next step is internet in my tv, etc.
Grizlas on June 02 2010 07:43:20
Linuxboys.. they like dissing M$ when they can smiley

Yeah, I get that part, and it is probably true. The only thing I can't really imagine being replaced at the moment is the keyboard. There have been some new concepts, but nothing has really taken off. If they can't find a replacement for the keyboard, then that is a pretty bulky sized object to be carrying around with you whenever you want to type a post like this one. Hence we'll still need some sort of typing device, in addition to our phones - or atleast a koyboard over by the tv.

Does the Ipad work for typing? Those small pocketbooks are cumbersome to type on, but I suppose you'll get used to it.
Jogvanth on June 02 2010 08:25:39
Don't be to sure about that. My new phone has more ROM and RAM memory than my current laptop, and is almost as powerful (1 Ghz). I now use my phone more online, than my PC.

Oh, and by the way. I've written this post on my phone.
Vuzman on June 02 2010 10:05:20
Haven't tried the iPad yet, but it's similar to the iPhone when it comes to the on-screen keyboard. Took a whiloe to get used to, obviously, but it's way better than a physical, miniature keyboard. It is compatible with bluetooth keyboards and I suspect any writing much longer than these posts will be a bit tiresome without a physical keyboard.

This being said, voice recognition is starting to become really good. I use ReQall for taking mental notes, and the Google iPhone app for searching and they can be scarily accurate. This will become a much more used input method, but I guess it can be awkward at times (e.g. voicing a text message...)
OKJones on June 02 2010 11:20:20
I heard about laser keyboards years ago I think, doesn't seem to have catched up, but it's a good idea though.

Laluu on June 02 2010 21:17:04
I've seen people type on the StarTrek-like touch-screen of the iPad, and it looked really slow and difficult (but maybe they still hadn't gotten used to the thing as they were quite new).

But those things are amazing for reading comics!
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01/01/2025 00:37
Takk, somuleiðis!

31/12/2024 23:30
Gott nýggjár!

06/11/2024 20:17

05/11/2024 13:14
tta finally works again

26/08/2024 07:45
Try the google search box

24/08/2024 23:30

24/08/2024 22:08
does the search function even work?

24/12/2023 15:06
Gleðilig jól

24/12/2023 10:09
Gleðilig jól!

29/10/2023 19:16