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BreakingIsrael attacks flotilla in international waters. 16 killed, 30 injured. CNN and US. news: quiet

Grizlas on May 31 2010 09:35:18
Quiet at first anyways...
Norlander on May 31 2010 12:28:13
The US coverage has probably something to do with the time of day (late evening, night).

Right now you can see the story at the top of the New York Times website, which is saying something as this is a very Jew friendly paper (with Jewish owners)

As for CNN they lost their relevance 10 years ago, but if MSNBC didn't have the story I'd worry. Luckily it's their top story as well.
Roffen on May 31 2010 14:14:14
well... if you attack the navy, what would you expect?

As some news-sites stated, the intruders shot first. But it is clearly an overreaction from Israel, which must be considered as a terrorist-state!
Vuzman on May 31 2010 16:18:40
Yahoo News?
Jogvanth on June 01 2010 09:28:54
As some news-sites stated, the intruders shot first

Yes, As some [Israeli] news-sites stated, the intruders shot first.
The EU has demanded an investigation in the matter, as they clearly don't belive this to be the case.
I think it's pretty much the same as Israeli soldiers firing into a crowd that is throwing rocks at them, claiming that they "fired first".
Vuzman on June 01 2010 09:46:34
Lifehack: Don't throw rocks at people with guns. The same goes for hitting them with iron bars, or any other form of potentially life-threatening aggression.
Jogvanth on June 01 2010 10:56:48
Yes. The activists could have done some serious harm to the Israelis with their extremely dangerous weapons. A good thing that the peaceful and somber Israeli Navy traveled all the way into International Waters, to protect us all from the dangerous Weapons of Mass Destruction, that these dangerous terrorists where carrying.
Vuzman on June 01 2010 12:08:12
My sarcasm detector just blew up. This is not sarcasm: Those weapons are indeed life-threatening, even to trained soldiers. The Israelis started out using only paintball weapons. When they were mobbed by the people on board who had clubs and knives, they started to use stun grenades. The people tried to take the real weapons from the soldiers (which they yet hadn't used) and got a handgun from a soldier who fell onto the deck, at which point the soldiers asked for permission to use live fire, which they, quite understandably, were granted.

Please note before you spew forth another convulsion of sarcasm, that I am not (nor were I my previous post) defending anyone's actions in any waters. My previous sentiment about it being a good idea to not attack people with guns is still a good lifehack, i.e. it might preserve your life, still applies, regardless of who is in the right.
Jogvanth on June 01 2010 13:33:15
So your solution is to just bow down to those who carry bigger guns than you do, no matter what they ask or what they intend to do?
Vuzman on June 01 2010 14:41:13
Well, if your intention is to live, that would probably be the smart thing to do.

Ask those 9 people who died if they still think it was a good idea to attack the Israeli soldiers boarding their ship. Oh, you can't, they're dead!

I'm not saying there are no reasons to paint half your face blue and scream "Freedooooom!", but 1) I don't think that was the case here, and 2) the point is moo since I was just giving advice on how to stay alive.
Grizlas on June 02 2010 07:00:05

on another note, now Ireland is saying "%3BBut I will make this point. If any harm comes to any of our citizens, it will have the most serious consequences.”

Does anyone else immediately picture the IRA in Israel? smiley
Vuzman on June 02 2010 07:23:53
Well, it would be nice if we could get all the religious fucknuts to fight in one place...
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01/01/2025 00:37
Takk, somuleiðis!

31/12/2024 23:30
Gott nýggjár!

06/11/2024 20:17

05/11/2024 13:14
tta finally works again

26/08/2024 07:45
Try the google search box

24/08/2024 23:30

24/08/2024 22:08
does the search function even work?

24/12/2023 15:06
Gleðilig jól

24/12/2023 10:09
Gleðilig jól!

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