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WTFTalent show?

OKJones on February 16 2010 15:02:48
Well that explains the massive improvement 8210 had in the last round. I think it's a bit pointless autotuning everybody, I think we've had this discussion before: If you can't sing, shut up.
Grizlas on February 16 2010 15:20:50
I'm a bit torn on this issue.

I understand that Auto-tune is now an accepted part of the music industry; it sells records. Most artists use Auto-tune these days, unless they're specifically going for an authentic or acoustic sound. If I'm listening to pop music, I don't think Auto-tuning detracts from my experience, since the music is far from "natural" already - if that makes any sense. In techno music Auto-tune fits right in I think....so for me it depends on the kind of music Auto-tune is subjected to.

X-factor is, as far as I'm concerned, pop music - not much short of the Eurovision Song Contest - and may as such use Auto-tune all they want.

That being said, there certainly is some general element of "cheat" I can't really shake. You start to wonder what will happen to music when technology reaches the point when nobody can tell whether a live acoustic singer/songwriter performance (like Teitur) is real or completely produced by computers.
Vuzman on February 16 2010 16:22:31
Most artists use Auto-tune
is a huge overstatement. If we're talking about big name, mainstream, over-produced, pop artists (rap/rnb/hiphop = pop), well, I'm not sure, but I certainly think the usage is more prevalent among them.

I don't like auto-tuning as it cheapens the effort of those artists who have spent a lot of time perfecting their voice and singing, and even worse, discourages upcoming artists to do the same.

X-factor is a talent show that looks for singers, and using auto-tune kinda negates that. At least the singing part... What is left is the singing equivalent of an air guitar show.
Grizlas on February 16 2010 16:49:23
from wikipedia:
In 2009, Time magazine quoted an unnamed Grammy-winning recording engineer as saying, "Let's just say I've had Auto-Tune save vocals on everything from Britney Spears to Bollywood soundtrack albums. And every singer now presumes that you'll just run their voice through the box."

I remember reading this before in an article about Auto-tune some way back, and is how I've gotten the impression of it being used by most artists. If that's a huge overstatement, then it is only with regard to music genre.

As for X-factor being a competition, well... what are they competing for? being the next authentic niche performer or being the next number 1 danish pop star? As I understand the show, the judges are trying to find the artist that can sell the most records, and that means in-the-middle-of the mainest mainstream of overproduced pop - a world Auto-tune is now firmly a part of.
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01/01/2025 00:37
Takk, somuleiðis!

31/12/2024 23:30
Gott nýggjár!

06/11/2024 20:17

05/11/2024 13:14
tta finally works again

26/08/2024 07:45
Try the google search box

24/08/2024 23:30

24/08/2024 22:08
does the search function even work?

24/12/2023 15:06
Gleðilig jól

24/12/2023 10:09
Gleðilig jól!

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