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InterestWhat a fucking joke!

Norlander on August 28 2009 15:42:19
He should be banned for several games if he dived a penalty. There needs to be firm harsh actions against the Hollywood antics of some...
OKJones on August 28 2009 19:49:28
Well the media are all over this, they're treating him like a serial killer, it's not like he is the first guy to ever dive and win a penalty. What about going for the big sharks like ronaldo, the portuguese and the italians. And another thing is why should an offense you would normally get a yellow card for on the pitch, warrant a two match ban off the pitch. FUCK YOU UEFA.
Norlander on August 28 2009 22:35:59
I say ban them all, starting with this guy.
Jogvanth on August 29 2009 08:16:35
Yeah. Ban them all! And then start banning the rest of them!
Many of them would do better in movies or television with their acting skills. Hey, I've got an idea. Let's just ban Soccer!
OKJones on August 29 2009 10:10:08
Well which ever way you turn it, they're making him the scapegoat, which is unfair I think.
Grizlas on August 29 2009 11:18:37
How about we just improve the game a bit? we have the technology to do it and have had it for a while. Banning will not remove diving and other such behaviour from soccer.

What is needed is live video refereeing. Maybe there could be a rule, that the referee should always look at the video feed before awarding a penalty or sending someone off?

It's only a problem in high profile matches anyways and this would stop any incentive to "dive" there - which would in time spread to the lower divisions where no video refereeing is possible.
Roffen on August 29 2009 20:10:39
I agree on using technology to improve the game...

But where to begin and where to stop? A penalty, sure... a disputed throw-in? wrongfully refereed off-sides that result in goals? spitting, fan-interruption, rain, etc...

And what penalties should be implied when people are faking it, or just plain unlucky?
OKJones on August 29 2009 22:20:40
I'm all for technology, but that little prick Platini is a fucking retard, he wants 5 referees, as if 3 arent bad enough.
Laluu on August 31 2009 19:16:24
I would have to say that I'm in favour of technology. Personally, I like the idea of the coach/manager or team captain should be allowed a certain number of "calls" to be checked against video evidence (the 4th referee could do the checking).

Banning Eduardo for two matches (i.e. the same as a red card offence) is ridiculous. If they're going to do that, it should apply to everyone. Diving is only a yellow card offence at the moment. If they're going to apply these weird bans, they should at least announce it beforehand. The next thing might be to introduce a 5-match ban for taking your shirt off, just because it happens to be in a high-profile game.

In your list, OKJones, you only mention Ronaldo - I would think that Drogba is about equally guilty, while Steven Gerrard is probably far worse.
OKJones on August 31 2009 20:02:01
I agree with you Laluu, but you just can't go around saying those things about Gerrard he is fucking british, and you just don't talk that way about brits, they would never do such things as "dive". Funny how Sky (Andy Gay, Monkey Keys and other self proclaimed experts) talk about Gerrard whenever he dives, it is called "being a clever player" or " he didn't do himself any favours there" or " he was a bit light on his feet". The British media, SKY especially, are a bunch of tasteless hypocritical cunts, beyond all cuntitude. And a player like Eduardo gets crucified, and gets booed by 70000 fans for every touch he made, the same fans who are used to seeing Ronaldo and Rooney dive every week.
Spiff on September 01 2009 13:20:59
when has Gerrard ever dived????????????????smiley
OKJones on September 01 2009 14:27:29
Watch this if you dare.
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26/08/2024 07:45
Try the google search box

24/08/2024 23:30

24/08/2024 22:08
does the search function even work?

24/12/2023 15:06
Gleðilig jól

24/12/2023 10:09
Gleðilig jól!

29/10/2023 19:16

29/10/2023 11:35
RIP Matthew Perry.

25/08/2023 19:22
That's not from the chess scene, it's Omar to Wee Bay, 2 mins into this clip:

25/08/2023 18:11
That chess scene is forever seared into my memory...

24/08/2023 20:03
You quoting the Wire, wow smiley