Roffen | hjálp! Eg skal programmera heimasíðu! |
| ![User Avatar](../images/avatars/dead[28].jpg) |
| Veteran | ![587 posts, 0 photos, 10 newsitems and 304 comments. total = 991]( ![587 posts, 0 photos, 10 newsitems and 304 comments. total = 991]( ![587 posts, 0 photos, 10 newsitems and 304 comments. total = 991]( ![587 posts, 0 photos, 10 newsitems and 304 comments. total = 991]( |
| Group: Regulars
| Location: Copenhagen | Joined: 12.11.06 | Posted on 05-06-2014 15:58 |
Eg havi akkurát keypt eina heimasíðu frá
Eg vil gjarna hava eitt login-feature, soleiðis at forsíðan stórt sæð er ber, men tá man hevur loggað inn, so er opið fyri innihaldinum.
Hvar skal eg byrja? Eg leiti ikki eftir meira hjálp enn pointers hvar eg skal byrja. Er tað innbygda wordpress á vegurin og ljósið? Ella skal eg seta meg inn í php (?) ella kann eg keypa elementir at seta inn í heimasíðuna?
Hvat er tykkara anbefalingar?
Takk fyri hjálpina ![smiley](../images/smiley/smile.gif)
Norlander | RE: hjálp! Eg skal programmera heimasíðu! |
| ![User Avatar](../images/avatars/foxmoulder100[7].jpg) |
| Field Marshal | ![2444 posts, 160 photos, 48 newsitems and 947 comments. total = 4031]( ![2444 posts, 160 photos, 48 newsitems and 947 comments. total = 4031]( ![2444 posts, 160 photos, 48 newsitems and 947 comments. total = 4031]( ![2444 posts, 160 photos, 48 newsitems and 947 comments. total = 4031]( |
| Group: Administrator,
| Location: Copenhagen | Joined: 09.06.06 | Posted on 05-06-2014 15:58 |
Veit ikki nógv um, vit brúka
The conventional view serves to protect us from the painful job of thinking.
- John Kenneth Galbraith |
Roffen | RE: hjálp! Eg skal programmera heimasíðu! |
| ![User Avatar](../images/avatars/dead[28].jpg) |
| Veteran | ![587 posts, 0 photos, 10 newsitems and 304 comments. total = 991]( ![587 posts, 0 photos, 10 newsitems and 304 comments. total = 991]( ![587 posts, 0 photos, 10 newsitems and 304 comments. total = 991]( ![587 posts, 0 photos, 10 newsitems and 304 comments. total = 991]( |
| Group: Regulars
| Location: Copenhagen | Joined: 12.11.06 | Posted on 10-06-2014 08:22 |
Takk fyri Eg haldi, eg havi funnið útav tí ![smiley](../images/smiley/smile.gif)
Fyrsta royndin var okkurt bull av einum innbygdum websíðu-byggjara á Men teir undirstøtta Joomla, so tað verður har, restin verður gjørt, tá fyrsta forsíðan er komin upp at koyra ![smiley](../images/smiley/smile.gif)