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Field Marshal

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Joined: 09.06.06
Posted on 24-11-2013 00:38
Need a thread to have an outlet for some random thinking - we used to just sit down and talk these things over, but distance and whatnot has made it more practical this way.

Nanotechnology: Saw this piece about a nanogel that is super hydrophobic. Now this is a great thing, practical and all that, but my initial random thinking about nanotechnology in consumer goods is asbestos. Asbestos was initially also super awesome, until everyone got cancer.

Now you might wonder why I am talking about asbestos. Reason is that various kinds of asbestos are the only consumer goods, on the nanoscale, that has been in common usage before this new technological revolution. In it self asbestos isn't harmful, it's silicate like so much else, most people have daily contact with materials, with the exact same chemical formula, on a daily basis - without causing any harm. Asbestos is only dangerous because of the extremely small particle size, (see image in link), it is on a small enough scale to directly alter cells and thus creating cancer.

So I'm thinking, we're headed for the asbestos problem all over again.

The conventional view serves to protect us from the painful job of thinking.
- John Kenneth Galbraith

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RE: Random Topics

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Group: Klikan
Location: Argir
Joined: 12.06.06
Posted on 24-11-2013 23:33
When I was working in Bygma Balslev we had a product called Nano Cover which also used this nano technology. We sprayed it onto shoes t-shirts and kitchen tables and whatnot and it seemed to work really well, magical almost. The problem was that if the sprayed surface had contact with something the effect lessened and after a while was completely gone. That and the very high price of the product was dissappointing and the company went bankrupt after 2 years if I remember correctly. This article comes to the same conclusion.

Why would I want to end every post the same way?

Edited by OKJones on 24-11-2013 23:33
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RE: Random Topics

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Field Marshal

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Joined: 09.06.06
Posted on 02-12-2013 22:06
Been watching a WWII documentary about the use of dogs in jungle combat. One veteran said "We used the dog as our personal psychologist, I was a twitchy young kid, and if I hadn't had that dog I would probably gone bonkers".

Made me think. PTSD was first talked about during WWI (as shell shock) - which was fairly infrequent. Then during WWII there was combat stress reaction. Then came PTSD.

Made me think: Until WWI most soldiers had a horse or other animal, if not personally then attached to their unit. Then came the trench war, the tanks and now modern mechanized infantry. Less and less animals until there are none left (apart from those Titanium teeth Navy Seal Dogs).

I wonder if the "solution" is so simple. Animal companionship during stressful encounters. Should get some psychologist to do some research on this.

The conventional view serves to protect us from the painful job of thinking.
- John Kenneth Galbraith

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RE: Random Topics

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Group: Klikan
Location: Tórshavn
Joined: 19.04.07
Posted on 11-12-2013 21:31
Read this article a few weeks ago about the philosophy of people like Ted Cruz - and for some reason I returned to it today (and reread it).

It's quite scary, when you think about the power these people hold.

I'm pretty sure most people don't really think about how these guys are different from the mainstream.

I remember back in the day that some of my friends would sometimes watch recordings of wacko American preachers - not thinking that much of the stuff being preached did not fit with their day-to-day Christian beliefs (or even the Bible).


EDIT: My Galaxy Tab doesn't really like the text box on the site, so had to correct things on the PC.

"The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown."
- H.P. Lovecraft

Edited by Laluu on 12-12-2013 10:38
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