You've found a video on YouTube that you want to share with your friends on Gongumenn. Maybe it looks like this:
Let's zoom in on the address bar, where the URL is:
See that string of letters at the very end? After the '=' sign?
That's what identifies the exact video you want, and that's all we need. With your mouse cursor, select that string of letters:
Now copy it (press Ctrl+C), and go back to the Gongumenn post where you want to post the video.
Press the little 'youtube' button directly below the post:
Point your mouse cursor between the two 'youtube' tags that appeared when clicking the 'youtube' button, and then just paste the string of letters we copied earlier (press Ctrl+V)
You're done!
When I kill her, I'll have her
Die white girls, die white girls
No decision is so fine as to not bind us to its consequences.
No consequence is so unexpected as to absolve us of our decisions.
Not even death.
-R. Scott Bakker. 'The Prince of Nothing'