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Military recruitment commercials

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Field Marshal

Group: Administrator, Klikan, Regulars, Outsiders
Location: Copenhagen
Joined: 09.06.06
Posted on 30-01-2008 02:09
Compare the following:

How not to do it:

Seems to say: “Join the Marines, and learn how to twirl rifles. In various locations around America.”

Compared to:

To me the difference between these two ads is a perfect model of these two societies. In the US, the armed forces are marketed as a natural career extension for cheer leading high-school football clowns; while in Canada they want you to understand what the mission of armed forces should be.

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RE: Military recruitment commercials

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Group: Klikan
Location: Hoyvík
Joined: 08.06.06
Posted on 02-02-2008 19:15
"The few, the proud, the chumps!"

No decision is so fine as to not bind us to its consequences.
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Not even death.
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RE: Military recruitment commercials

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Group: Regulars
Location: Copenhagen
Joined: 12.11.06
Posted on 02-02-2008 20:22
This is very well spotted, Norlander. That is a huge difference in the recruitment. The canadian tells people what they actually do, while the american... well... tells nothing except they have a good looking uniform and a rifle that can... twirl ?!?

I can imagine which special forces has a higher recruitment to success rate.
Canadians will know what they sign up for, Americans, as you so elegantly put it, are nothing but football clowns.

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