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RE: Are you fucking kidding me?

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Group: Klikan, Outsiders, Administrator, Regulars
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Posted on 07-06-2007 09:19
Science doesn't dictate anything. I'm talking about reason.

Muslims are perhaps the biggest problem today, but historically Christianity and before that Judaism and other tribal fiction has been the biggest problem. Sometimes when I look to the west I think that Christianity is the biggest problem today. It certainly has potential. The point is that when you throw your brain out the window, there's no telling what you'll think is right to do. Crusades, witch-burnings, the Inquisition, slavery; just a few of the historical atrocities that have been committed based on your bible. Atrocities are being committed today based on your bible.

And I didn't mean that it was striking that the people were religious, I meant it was striking that each group had the same religion in common.

In no other field of human discourse is it considered virtuous to believe without evidence. In fact, it seems the stronger your faith, the more virtuous you are. You don't see a problem with this?

No society in human history ever suffered because its people became too desirous of evidence in support of their core beliefs. People with no religion don't blow themselves up. Atheists don't riot because someone draws a cartoon of them. Yes, the world would be better.

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RE: Are you fucking kidding me?

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Field Marshal

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Posted on 07-06-2007 09:53
Slavery wasn't because of the bible, slavery excisted long before christianity and was rampant in non-christian cultures up until even today. A more fair assessment is to say that slavery co-excisted with christianity. Furthermore the begining of Abolitionism in Western societies is largely credited to the work done by the Quakers, a Christian movement.

You can blame Christians for a lot of things I'll agree with, but this isn't one of them.

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RE: Are you fucking kidding me?

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Group: Klikan, Outsiders, Administrator, Regulars
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Posted on 07-06-2007 10:33
Sure I can. People were killed before Jesus came, does that mean no one got killed because of Jesus?

Judaism, and therefore Christianity, has a strong tradition of slavery, and while they weren't what originally prompted people to keep slaves, it most certainly has given legitimacy to it and allowed slavery to prosper in civilized nations until relatively recently.

Consult the Bible, and you will discover that the creator of the universe clearly expects us to keep slaves. You can find your own verses, but I can find them for you if you're too lazy.

While the abolitionists of the nineteenth century were morally right, they were on the losing side of a theological argument. Nothing in Christian theology remedies the appalling deficiencies of the Bible on what is perhaps the greatest - and the easiest - moral question our society has ever had to face.

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RE: Are you fucking kidding me?

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Field Marshal

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Posted on 07-06-2007 11:06
You started your original arguement with the acts of Christian people, so let's stick with that and not go into a discussion about what verse says what. Or to put it another way, let's have a historical discussion instead of a philosofical/theological one.

Consult the Bible and you'll find any answer you like, as it changes it's viewpoint over and over. Christianity is more then the bible, just as Islam is more then the Quran. Both books are the foundation but when dealing with the effects of religion you need to look at all the good and evil that has been done "in the Lords name" by "people of faith". On the evil side you have the Crusades, Witch-burning, the Inquisition among other things, and on the good side you have the abolision of slavery.

The conventional view serves to protect us from the painful job of thinking.
- John Kenneth Galbraith

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RE: Are you fucking kidding me?

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Group: Klikan
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Posted on 07-06-2007 11:07
So verse me then! I have never bitten mark in anything in the bible, that stipulates, that it is expected of me to keep slaves!

What is this grand moral question we have to face, and can't turn to the bible to face?

If we all were to live by the reason and morality of science and reason, then we would live in a semi-anarctic world. Dog-eat-dog and survival of the fittest (or the one with the biggest guns and the most of ammo).

I don't remember any scientific argument or specific reasoning as to why we're supposed to be kind to each other. Much less allow those who are not fit to fend for themselves to survive and receive the aid of the rest of us. And don't bring pity into this as an argument or reason. Science and common sense does not involve pity.

If anything, I use the lessons of my (semi-)religious up-bringing as a guideline as to my behavior towards others in this life and this world.

While I view the teachings of Christ to be "Peace, Love and Understanding", (and others the same about Islam) you seem hell-bent on declaring all teachings of all religions (or all teachings not 100% proven by science or "reason" ) as the worst things ever to happen to humanity, from which no good can ever arise.

I do not require decisive proof from you on everything you put forth towards me, but you seem to be unwilling to accept anything put forth to you, unless it is acompanied by scientific proof.

I believe, that I then can ask you, Which one of us, has a more open mind?
If you make a good enough argument before me, I can be persuaded to agree with you, where (in my view) you seem to disregard large portions of the arguments made towards you, before you hear them out. Basically as soon as they start to involve religious remarks.

But, I belive we can all agree, that when religion takes the upper hand over reason, common sense and compassion, we start to get major problems on our hands.

No decision is so fine as to not bind us to its consequences.
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Not even death.
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Edited by Jogvanth on 07-06-2007 11:09
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RE: Are you fucking kidding me?

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Field Marshal

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Posted on 07-06-2007 11:16
@jogvanth: GIYF

And google GIYF if you don't understand that...

The conventional view serves to protect us from the painful job of thinking.
- John Kenneth Galbraith

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RE: Are you fucking kidding me?

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Posted on 07-06-2007 11:25
Religion will naturally be at the root of conflicts because a given religion encompasses all the beliefs an individual holds dear. His morality is rooted in his religion. If that morality were to be rooted in something else, like humanism, these people would be just as prone to conflict if someone attacked their morals. It just so happens, that today the majority of the world has their morals rooted in some religion or another, which is why you see it as a cause of conflict. The real cause of this type of conflict will always be deeply held beliefs that run counter to oneanother.

I think it's funny how you constantly judge people of faith on their beliefs while at the same time saying their beliefs are nonsense. That, to me, is like berating an insane person for believing in pink unicorns because surely they ought to be white. As far as you're concerned, all religious belief is irrational unsound behavior and as such, who are you to say how the bible or the koran should be interpreted? Surely an insane person can color his unicorns any way he wants? or will that make him more insane?

There are moderate muslims out there. They apparently interpret the koran differently than you. They pick and choose hypocritically between passages and call themselves moderate muslims that say no to extremism. So they're not "true believers" obviously. heh, that is actually a bit of an oximoron coming from you since you don't believe in religion. These people are "untrue believers in that which is not true" - they believe in "fake unicorns".

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RE: Are you fucking kidding me?

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Group: Klikan
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Posted on 07-06-2007 11:39
You didn't answer me. Do you think all religions are equally violent or not? I do in fact know the Sorkin quote, I just think it is misleading.


I think Vuz's point is that god doens't exist AND IF HE DID he would be an evil person. What is so funny about this?
I don't think that Hannibal Lecter actually exists, do you? Does that make our oppinions of his morality void?

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RE: Are you fucking kidding me?

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Posted on 07-06-2007 12:21
You didn't answer me. Do you think all religions are equally violent or not?

No, it clearly depends on the religion. If I were to invent one that said that god wants you to burn as many children as you possible can, if you dont you'll go to hell - and he loves you. Then that would be a pretty violent religion. However, if some morons came along and decided to follow my relilgion but, only the "he loves you" part, then I wouldn't have a problem with it. I might let them know that they were misguided, but I wouldn't want to destroy them.

this has nothing to do with "AND IF HE DID" or hannibal lectors morals. its a flawed analogy because its hypothetical. What vuzman is saying is this:

1. What you believe is incorrect. 2. The way you believe in your incorrect beliefs is incorrect.

You could phrase it like an "AND IF HE DID" type of argument like this:

God doens't exist AND IF HE DID he would have infused some persons with holy spirit and have them write a holy book where every word was the word of god and should be followed to the letter. Anyone who did not follow the written word of god to the letter would not be a "true believer"

Can you spot the difference?

In vuzmans view, all religion is equally fundamental. Somehow he doesn't allow for different interpretations of religious texts and as such he quite unhypothetically and very litterally claims to know the mind of God - which he doesn't believe exits. And thats what I find amusing.

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Edited by Grizlas on 07-06-2007 12:29
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RE: Are you fucking kidding me?

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Group: Klikan
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Posted on 07-06-2007 12:45
Why are the ones, who take the most offence by these discussions, always the non-religious persons?

No decision is so fine as to not bind us to its consequences.
No consequence is so unexpected as to absolve us of our decisions.
Not even death.
-R. Scott Bakker. 'The Prince of Nothing'

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RE: Are you fucking kidding me?

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Group: Klikan
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Posted on 07-06-2007 12:57
I might let them know that they were misguided

I don't think you would. And you aren't.

but I wouldn't want to destroy them.

Where did this 'destroy them' enter the conversation?

I claim: Hannibal Lecter doesn't exist AND IF HE DID he would kill people and eat them.
If you believe in Hannibal Lecter but not in him killing people, YOU DON'T BELIEVE IN HANNIBAL LECTER. This person would be your own invention, so stop saying he is the guy from 'Silence of the lambs', HE ISN'T.

It is true that many call themselves christians without believing in the entire bible etc. But christianity without the bible isn't christianity, it is religion-pulled-out-of-my-own-ass.
How can those people point to the 'word of god' when they don't believe in it themselves? Yet they stand shoulder to shoulder with the true bible bashers screaming 'XXXX is wrong because the bible says so'. (that part really annoys me smiley)
So what is wrong with telling those kind of 'christians' that they have no foundation and their belief, compared to the historical christianity, is wrong?

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RE: Are you fucking kidding me?

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Posted on 07-06-2007 13:43
I don't think you would.

why not?

And you aren't.

aren't what?

Where did this 'destroy them' enter the conversation?

I just assumed that you wanted religion gone from this world, as vuzman does.

on lector argument...

You keep acting like there is no difference between who wrote a story about hannibal lecter and who wrote the bible. There is no way to interpret silence of the lambs in a way to dispute that hannibal lecter killed people. With the bible, there is all sorts of possibilities to pick and choose. The bible is simply a collection of old texts and you can claim to believe in any or all parts of it as you please because nobody can ever prove you wrong by interviewing the author, God to clear up the misunderstandings. Not so with hannibal lecter and whoever wrote that story.

It is true that many call themselves christians without believing in the entire bible etc. But christianity without the bible isn't christianity, it is religion-pulled-out-of-my-own-ass.

If we're talking definitions here, then the definition of christianity is certainly not a litteral interpretation of the bible. All the multitude of different branches withing christanity itself all stem from different bible interpretations. You might call it religion-pulled-out-of-my-own-ass, but if we're going to argue about it, then the normal definition of christianity clearly encapsulates more than a fundamental, litteral interpretation.

How can those people point to the 'word of god' when they don't believe in it themselves? Yet they stand shoulder to shoulder with the true bible bashers screaming 'XXXX is wrong because the bible says so'. (that part really annoys me )

Because THEIR interpretation of the bible is the right one. Just like THEIR God is the only God. They know which parts of the bible are to be taken litterally and which parts are to be disregarded as historical artifacts etc. How do they know this? because they believe in God and His Spirit guides them in interpretating the bible.

The only way to question this argument is to question wether God really guides them at all. You can question if god exists but you cannot question how God wants you to read the bible, because we can't just phone him up and ask him like the creator of hannibal lecter.

So what is wrong with telling those kind of 'christians' that they have no foundation and their belief, compared to the historical christianity, is wrong?

The only thing wrong with it is that it's simply not true. They are firmly founded and their beliefs not anymore wrong than that of any other religion. They are interpreting the bible the way they believe it is supposed to be interpreted according to their particular brand of faith. That's the foundation and it is not in any way different from the foundation of every other type of christianity save the one type that doesn't allow for any interpretation at all, i.e. Christian fundamentalism.

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RE: Are you fucking kidding me?

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Group: Klikan
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Posted on 07-06-2007 15:12
Whenever I try to make a point it seems to get dragged into an argument with posts that are this long:
I don't think you would.

why not?

And you aren't.

aren't what?

Where did this 'destroy them' enter the conversation?

I just assumed that you wanted religion gone from this world, as vuzman does.

on lector argument...

You keep acting like there is no difference between who wrote a story about hannibal lecter and who wrote the bible. There is no way to interpret silence of the lambs in a way to dispute that hannibal lecter killed people. With the bible, there is all sorts of possibilities to pick and choose. The bible is simply a collection of old texts and you can claim to believe in any or all parts of it as you please because nobody can ever prove you wrong by interviewing the author, God to clear up the misunderstandings. Not so with hannibal lecter and whoever wrote that story.

It is true that many call themselves christians without believing in the entire bible etc. But christianity without the bible isn't christianity, it is religion-pulled-out-of-my-own-ass.

If we're talking definitions here, then the definition of christianity is certainly not a litteral interpretation of the bible. All the multitude of different branches withing christanity itself all stem from different bible interpretations. You might call it religion-pulled-out-of-my-own-ass, but if we're going to argue about it, then the normal definition of christianity clearly encapsulates more than a fundamental, litteral interpretation.

How can those people point to the 'word of god' when they don't believe in it themselves? Yet they stand shoulder to shoulder with the true bible bashers screaming 'XXXX is wrong because the bible says so'. (that part really annoys me )

Because THEIR interpretation of the bible is the right one. Just like THEIR God is the only God. They know which parts of the bible are to be taken litterally and which parts are to be disregarded as historical artifacts etc. How do they know this? because they believe in God and His Spirit guides them in interpretating the bible.

The only way to question this argument is to question wether God really guides them at all. You can question if god exists but you cannot question how God wants you to read the bible, because we can't just phone him up and ask him like the creator of hannibal lecter.

So what is wrong with telling those kind of 'christians' that they have no foundation and their belief, compared to the historical christianity, is wrong?

The only thing wrong with it is that it's simply not true. They are firmly founded and their beliefs not anymore wrong than that of any other religion. They are interpreting the bible the way they believe it is supposed to be interpreted according to their particular brand of faith. That's the foundation and it is not in any way different from the foundation of every other type of christianity save the one type that doesn't allow for any interpretation at all, i.e. Christian fundamentalism.

I don't enjoy reading that, and I certainly won't enjoy writing something that long. So:
I disagree with you. With your definition of the word 'christianity, with your defining 'Silence of the lambs' and the bible as universally different because the writers of the bible are dead and with your seeming unwillingness to condemn a religion because of the acts and beliefs of its followers.

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RE: Are you fucking kidding me?

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Posted on 07-06-2007 15:19

That's right. Stick your head in the sand. Guess I was wrong about you.

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RE: Are you fucking kidding me?

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Group: Klikan
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Posted on 07-06-2007 15:22
What the hell?
Why would you want to provoke me?

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RE: Are you fucking kidding me?

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Posted on 07-06-2007 16:21
Do you even want me to answer? might be too unpleasant a read for you

I guess I am pretty serious about discussing topics like this and therefore answer all questions that are posed to me and argue my points conprehensively. I know some people don't care for such discussions and I respect that somewhat. I didn't count you among those people. And yeah, it is slightly annoying to find that out in the middle of a discussion after I took some time explaining my point of view, only to have it dismissed out of hand. Still, now I know not to take you seriously again.

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RE: Are you fucking kidding me?

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Group: Klikan
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Posted on 07-06-2007 17:11
I won't enjoy writing this and you won't enjoy reading it but here we go.

I was appaled by your first post and how carelessly you seemed to write:

I think its' the military uniforms! ban them! military clothes have never done anything good for anyone which is clearly demonstrated by this video. Same goes for kindergardens. They are the breeding ground for terrorists! ban them!

And yeah, the native americans didn't even have booze before the yanks took their lands. Clearly they're better off now!

And you followed up with:

My point is the same as always and i'm tired of making it.

"islamic extremism is to islam as **** is to christianity"


A reference to The West Wing episode 'Cain and Abel'
This seemed to me to be extreme indifference to the video above and the clear links between a certain religion and violence, shown here. And to rip off Sam Harris: 'If all it takes is for a country to be occupied, then where are all the tibetan buddhist suicide bombers? It seems you want to have all religions be empty vessels for people to keep their morals in. But some of these vessels aren't so empty.

In your third post you wrote:
Religion will naturally be at the root of conflicts because a given religion encompasses all the beliefs an individual holds dear. His morality is rooted in his religion. If that morality were to be rooted in something else, like humanism, these people would be just as prone to conflict if someone attacked their morals. It just so happens, that today the majority of the world has their morals rooted in some religion or another, which is why you see it as a cause of conflict. The real cause of this type of conflict will always be deeply held beliefs that run counter to oneanother.

This does hold some merit but fails to take into account the fact that religious beliefs always come with a conviction so deep that no amount of proof will change it. In fact proof will more often than not be disregarded without consideration. Therfore atrocities are easier for religious reasons than for other mere diffences of oppinion.

Fourth post
I might let them know that they were misguided, but I wouldn't want to destroy them.

First of all, you don't seem to let anyone religious know that they are misguided. Let me know if I am wrong.
Second, the way you wrote that indicates that you are talking about destroying people. If you are talking about destroying religions then sure, most people want others to agree with them. But please don't use such negatively charged words. The rest of us use words like convince, convert etc...

Fifth post
You keep acting like there is no difference between who wrote a story about hannibal lecter and who wrote the bible. There is no way to interpret silence of the lambs in a way to dispute that hannibal lecter killed people. With the bible, there is all sorts of possibilities to pick and choose. The bible is simply a collection of old texts and you can claim to believe in any or all parts of it as you please because nobody can ever prove you wrong by interviewing the author, God to clear up the misunderstandings. Not so with hannibal lecter and whoever wrote that story.

So if the author is dead we can claim whatever we want? I could claim that 'Romeo and Juliet' was a profecy about 9/11 and you wouldn't object? I guess I only have to wait until the writer of 'Silence of the lambs' is dead to start our 'Hannibal was innocent' religion.

If we're talking definitions here, then the definition of christianity is certainly not a litteral interpretation of the bible.

It did until recently if I am not much mistaken. While parts of christianity are different, they all thought themselves to have interpreted it correctly. Claiming any part of the bible to be false would be heresy.

All the multitude of different branches withing christanity itself all stem from different bible interpretations.

But none of them claimed that any part of the bible was untrue.

You might call it religion-pulled-out-of-my-own-ass, but if we're going to argue about it, then the normal definition of christianity clearly encapsulates more than a fundamental, litteral interpretation.

It does now but as I said, this is a recent addition and I dispute their christianity. God is certainly not a moderate. But these are normally not the troublemakers, so they aren't the ones you argue with. Usually it is the literalists who have, ehm, alternative morals and those are the ones you berate for not being that literal about the bible when you dig a bit deeper.

They know which parts of the bible are to be taken litterally and which parts are to be disregarded as historical artifacts etc. How do they know this? because they believe in God and His Spirit guides them in interpretating the bible.

This is normally a stance taken when they realize that the bible can't be 100% true and litteral. However the next day they will have forgotten all about it.

The only way to question this argument is to question wether God really guides them at all. You can question if god exists but you cannot question how God wants you to read the bible, because we can't just phone him up and ask him like the creator of hannibal lecter.

Again you seem to claim that if the autor is out of reach we can claim whatever we like about his writings and not be critizised?

They are firmly founded and their beliefs not anymore wrong than that of any other religion.

I didn't claim that they are any more wrong than any other religion. I am claiming that they aren't christians. They might be spiritual, even religious. But to claim christianity I think you have to have your foundation in the bible.

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RE: Are you fucking kidding me?

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Group: Klikan
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Posted on 07-06-2007 17:13
See? It is long and boooooring and doesn't even represent my oppinion on the matter fully.

Be warned: I won't write this long a post ever again. So if you reply to it, try to keep it short.

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RE: Are you fucking kidding me?

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Group: Klikan
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Posted on 07-06-2007 17:22
I wrote my lengthy reply before I read Grizlas' post:
Do you even want me to answer? might be too unpleasant a read for you

I guess I am pretty serious about discussing topics like this and therefore answer all questions that are posed to me and argue my points conprehensively. I know some people don't care for such discussions and I respect that somewhat. I didn't count you among those people. And yeah, it is slightly annoying to find that out in the middle of a discussion after I took some time explaining my point of view, only to have it dismissed out of hand. Still, now I know not to take you seriously again.

If I had read it first my reply would be much shorter and less polite. I feel no need to debate you anymore, so whatever you post will get no response from me Griz.

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Posted on 07-06-2007 17:39
Something of a hachet-job you've done there (to emphasize your point no doubt), but it's better than nothing.

I'm just going to reply to say that I use the definition of christianity I find on the net that fathoms a wide range of different interpretations of the bible. I dont know what you're talking about it being changed recently.

Then there was the part about Hannibal Lector....It's not so much that the bible writers are dead. If they were alive the argument would still be invalid. It's that the bible is written by a UNICORN. Or, as the case may be, written by people who are possessed by the holy spirit of a unicorn. How can you ever argue with someone who claims to know the mind of a unicorn? Because the source doesn't exist we can attribute anything we like to it, such as how the unicorn meant for the unicorn text to be interpreted.

I would like to respond to some of your other points, but I won't even try if all you can be bothered to read is one-liners.

If I had read it first my reply would be much shorter and less polite. I feel no need to debate you anymore, so whatever you post will get no response from me Griz.

Well I would have been sorry to hear that yesterday. Today not so much.

You want to tempt the wrath of the whatever from high atop the thing?

Edited by Grizlas on 07-06-2007 17:47
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