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Elysium, a new start!

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Group: Regulars
Location: Copenhagen
Joined: 12.11.06
Posted on 04-02-2007 22:24
Well, Elysium is finally up as a gaming club! smiley

The founding meeting took around 7 hours to chew through, but we did it, and the result is magnificent!

The first board are: Jákup Fjallsbak, Jógvan Thomsen, Bjarni í­ Dali, Eirikur Lí¼tzen and Rói Næs. The board will have a meeting soon and will form itself with presiden, a cashier, a secretary and two board members.

The club will start immediately to organize and activate people and events.

I want to wish the new gaming club good luck with this new branch of organized hobbies here on the Faroe Islands!

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RE: Elysium, a new start!

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Group: Klikan
Location: Hoyvík
Joined: 08.06.06
Posted on 06-02-2007 15:59
Thank you.

We will begin testing our organizational skills shortly. Send Private Message
RE: Elysium, a new start!

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Group: Klikan
Location: Hoyvík
Joined: 08.06.06
Posted on 22-03-2007 09:45
Nevndin í­ Elysium hevur havt sí­n fyrsta fund 21-03-2007, og var nevndin skipað soleiðis:

Formaður: Jákup Fjalsbak
Skrivari: Bjarni í­ Dali
Kassameistari: Jógvan Thomsen
Nevndarlimir: Rói Næs og Eirikur Lí¼tzen

Næsti nevndarfundur verður um 2 vikur. Send Private Message
RE: Elysium, a new start!

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Group: Klikan
Joined: 08.06.06
Posted on 22-03-2007 09:54
Nakað nýtt um at læna hølir?

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RE: Elysium, a new start!


Group: Klikan
Location: Tórshavn
Joined: 02.07.06
Posted on 22-03-2007 11:09
Nei onki nýtt enn smiley

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RE: Elysium, a new start!

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Group: Regulars
Location: Copenhagen
Joined: 12.11.06
Posted on 12-03-2010 22:45
Hvussu gongur við felagnum?

Er nøkur sum helst gongd í?

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RE: Elysium, a new start!

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Group: Klikan
Location: Hoyvík
Joined: 08.06.06
Posted on 13-03-2010 09:40
3/5 av nevndini eru ikki tøkir, so nei, har er eingin gongd í.

Tað verður innkallað til aðalfund um ikki so langa tíð, so fáa vit at síggja hvat hendir framyvir.

No decision is so fine as to not bind us to its consequences.
No consequence is so unexpected as to absolve us of our decisions.
Not even death.
-R. Scott Bakker. 'The Prince of Nothing' Send Private Message
RE: Elysium, a new start!

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Group: Klikan
Location: Tórshavn
Joined: 19.04.07
Posted on 13-03-2010 14:38
LOL - fyrsti fundur/event 3 ár aftaná stovnan.

Men kul at okkurt kanska hendir.

"The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown."
- H.P. Lovecraft

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