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Gongumenn | General | Guitar

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Group: Administrator, Klikan, Regulars, Outsiders
Location: Denmark
Joined: 08.06.06
Posted on 25-10-2006 03:30
At some point I got tired of looking up websites whenever I needed a song to play, so I started to put what I found (or transcribed myself) into a text file. There are now some 250 songs in there, and its' beginning to look more like a songbook than anything else, so that's what I've decided to call it.

The book still needs a lot of work, but most of the transcriptions are playable which is the most important thing. There still needs to be done a fair amount of editing that I'll get around to at some point i'm sure, but for now it will have to do as it is.

Members can find the book under downloads. If you spot any errors please let me know.

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