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Movable chord shapes and the CAGED system

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Group: Administrator, Klikan, Regulars, Outsiders
Location: Denmark
Joined: 08.06.06
Posted on 25-10-2006 02:37
To know how to move chords around on the neck of the guitar is essential to being able to play many tunes.

First we have the shapes for the major triads. These are shapes you can use for all major chords anywhere on the neck. That is, if you take an F major chord and move it up to the 5 fret, you get an A major chord and so on.

MAJOR TRIADS. (R is the root, recognize the E, A and C shapes)

||-R-|---|---| |-5-|---|---| |-3-|---|---|---| |---|---|---|-R-|
||-5-|---|---| |---|---|-3-| |---|-R-|---|---| |-3-|---|---|---|
||---|-3-|---| |---|---|-R-| |-5-|---|---|---| |-R-|---|---|---|
||---|---|-R-| |---|---|-5-| |---|---|-3-|---| |-5-|---|---|---|
||---|---|-5-| |-R-|---|---| |---|---|---|-R-| |---|---|---|---|
||-R-|---|---| |-5-|---|---| |---|---|---|---| |---|---|---|---|

Then come the minor triads. Only two of those unfortunately.

MINOR TRIADS (recognize the Em and Am shape)

||-R-|---|---| |-5-|---|---|
||-5-|---|---| |---|-3-|---|
||-3-|---|---| |---|---|-R-|
||---|---|-R-| |---|---|-5-|
||---|---|-5-| |-R-|---|---|
||-R-|---|---| |-5-|---|---|

Major and minor triads are the most important ones to have memorized at first. Later you might want to learn the 7th chord shapes:

DOM7s (notice F7, B7, and D7 shapes)
||-R-|---|---| |-5-|---|---| |---|---|---|---| |---|-7-|---|---| |---|---|-3-|
||-5-|---|---| |---|---|-3-| |---|-R-|---|---| |-3-|---|---|---| |---|-7-|---|
||---|-3-|---| |-7-|---|---| |---|---|---|-7-| |-R-|---|---|---| |---|---|-5-|
||-7-|---|---| |---|---|-5-| |---|---|-3-|---| |-5-|---|---|---| |R--|---|---|
||---|---|-5-| |-R-|---|---| |---|---|---|-R-| |---|---|---|---| |---|---|---|
||-R-|---|---| |-5-|---|---| |---|---|---|---| |---|---|---|---| |---|---|---|

After that comes all that jazz that isn't really important right now, but might come in handy some day when you become a decent player.

MAJ7s (recognize Fmaj7, Amaj7)
||-7-|---|---|---| |-5-|---|---| |-3-|---|---|---| |---|---|-7-|---| |---|---|-3-|
||---|-5-|---|---| |---|---|-3-| |-7-|---|---|---| |-3-|---|---|---| |---|---|-7-|
||---|---|-3-|---| |---|-7-|---| |-5-|---|---|---| |-R-|---|---|---| |---|---|-5-|
||---|---|---|-R-| |---|---|-5-| |---|---|-3-|---| |-5-|---|---|---| |-R-|---|---|
||---|---|---|---| |-R-|---|---| |---|---|---|-R-| |---|---|---|---| |---|---|---|
||---|---|---|---| |-5-|---|---| |---|---|---|---| |---|---|---|---| |---|---|---|

MIN7s (1-b3-5-b7) DIM7s (1-b3-b5-bb7)
||-R-|---|---| |-5-|---|---| |---|-3-|---| ||---|-3-| |(5)|---|---|
||-5-|---|---| |---|-3-|---| |---|-7-|---| ||-7-|---| |---|---|-3-|
||-3-|---|---| |-7-|---|---| |---|---|-5-| ||---|-5-| |-7-|---|---|
||-7-|---|---| |---|---|-5-| |-R-|---|---| ||-R-|---| |---|---|-5-|
||---|---|(5)| |-R-|---|---| |---|---|---| ||---|---| |---|-R-|---|
||(R)|---|---| |(5)|---|---| |---|---|---| ||---|---| |---|---|---|

HALF-DIMS (m7b5) (1-b3-b5-b7)
||---|-3-| |---|---|---|
||---|-7-| |---|---|-3-|
||---|-5-| |---|-7-|---|
||-R-|---| |---|---|-5-|
||---|---| |---|-R-|---|
||---|---| |---|---|---|

The major triad movable shapes mentioned above fit together in what is called the CAGED system. The word CAGED denotes the order in which any given major triad can be created up the nexk of the guitar using movable chord shapes. If you for example take a regular D major chord, the next D chord you will find, if you move up the neck, is a C shaped D chord. The next after that is an A shaped D chord, then G shaped, E shaped....spelling the word C-A-G-E-D-C-A-G-E-D-C-A- over and over. To illustrate:

||-----------------D shape----------A shape-----------E shape------------|
||------E shape -----------C shape-----------G shape---------------------|

The CAGED system is quite useful in helping you finding chords on the fly.

Edited by Grizlas on 25-10-2006 16:09
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RE: Movable chord shapes and the CAGED system

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Group: Klikan, Outsiders, Administrator, Regulars
Location: Copenhagen, DK
Joined: 10.06.06
Posted on 25-10-2006 11:33
The third major triad echoes the C and not the D.... I realize there's a D in it if you only look at the top three strings, but the entire triad echoes the C. Send Private Message
RE: Movable chord shapes and the CAGED system

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Group: Administrator, Klikan, Regulars, Outsiders
Location: Denmark
Joined: 08.06.06
Posted on 25-10-2006 16:06
absolutely right!


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